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[英]Distribution failed with errors itunes connect

I am facing an issue while uploading a new version on the apple store. 在Apple Store上载新版本时遇到问题。 I am using Xcode Organizer to push a new version. 我正在使用Xcode Organizer推送新版本。 When I have an archive, its successful done, however, I am not able to upload it successfully. 存档后,成功完成了归档,但是我无法成功上传。 I have chosen Distribute app option when archive did but in middle of uploading it, stops and error occurred. 存档时,我选择了“分发应用程序”选项,但是在上传过程中,停止并发生了错误。

Here is the image which is showing what exactly happens. 这是显示实际情况的图像。


I have tried to remove and add again apple id and password as I am using the auto sign method so I thought might be some issue occurred because of it. 我尝试使用自动签名方法删除并再次添加Apple ID和密码,因此我认为可能是因为它而引起的一些问题。 But not able to get any success. 但是没有任何成功。

Even I have used Application Loader for uploading but the same issue I faced. 甚至我已经使用Application Loader进行上传,但是遇到了同样的问题。 Here is the image for application loader. 这是应用程序加载器的图像。


If anyone aware of it kindly help me to come out from this weird issue. 如果有人意识到这一点,请帮助我摆脱这个奇怪的问题。

I think you have issue with your machine or Xcode . 我认为您的机器或Xcode有问题。 You should try on another machine will fix your issue. 您应该尝试在另一台计算机上解决您的问题。 Sometimes it's happening due to some network proxies or machine not configured properly. 有时是由于某些网络代理或计算机配置不正确而发生的。

My solution was to upload using Application Loader. 我的解决方案是使用Application Loader上传。 At first it seemed like it's stuck as well, but after about 10 minutes it started uploading. 起初似乎也卡住了,但是大约10分钟后它开始上传。

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