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[英]Need to extract values from string in Javascript between words and characters

I will be receiving the following string format from an AJAX call: [link= https://www.w3schools.com text=here] 我将从AJAX呼叫中接收以下字符串格式:[link = https://www.w3schools.com text = here]

I need to extract the values after "link=" and the value after "text=" so, my ideal output would assign " https://www.w3schools.com " to a variable and then "here" to a variable as shown in the code below. 我需要提取“ link =”之后的值,然后提取“ text =”之后的值,所以,我的理想输出是将“ https://www.w3schools.com ”分配给变量,然后将“ here”分配给变量,如图所示在下面的代码中。 The values for "link=" and "text=" will change. “ link =”和“ text =”的值将更改。

I've tried playing around with regex matching and using .split in Javascript, but I can't get the intended values just right. 我已经尝试过使用正则表达式匹配并在Javascript中使用.split,但是我无法获得正确的预期值。

var str = "[link=https://www.w3schools.com text=here]";
var link = str.match(/link=(.*)/)[1]; //gets the link but includes rest of string      
var linkText = str.match(/text=(.*)/)[1]; //gets "here" plus the closing bracket

add "\\s" and "]" in your pattern, Try this 在您的模式中添加“ \\ s”“]” ,试试看

 var str = "[link=https://www.w3schools.com text=here]"; var link = str.match(/link=(.*)\\s/)[1]; //gets the link but includes rest of string var linkText = str.match(/text=(.*)]/)[1]; console.log(link); console.log(linkText); 

You may use 您可以使用

 var str = "[link=https://www.w3schools.com text=here]"; var m, res=[], rx=/(?:^|[\\s[])(link|text)=([^\\][\\s]*)/g; while (m = rx.exec(str)) { console.log(m[1], "=", m[2]); } 

The regex is 正则表达式是


See the regex demo . 参见regex演示

Details 细节

  • (?:^|[\\s[]) - start of string or a whitespace or [ (?:^|[\\s[]) -字符串或空白或[
  • (link|text) - Group 1: link or text words (link|text) -第1组:链接或文字
  • = - a = symbol = -a =符号
  • ([^\\][\\s]*) - Group 2: any 0+ chars other than [ , ] and whitespace. ([^\\][\\s]*) -组2:除[]和空格以外的任何0+个字符。

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