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如何打印 XCUITest 中的所有静态文本

[英]How to print all the staticTexts in XCUITest

I have used app.staticTexts["String"].tap() to tap on a button containing that string which is working completely fine.我已经使用app.staticTexts["String"].tap()来点击包含该字符串的按钮,该按钮工作正常。
But the problem here is that i want to print all the static texts which are present on that page, how can i do it in XCUITest ?但这里的问题是我想打印该页面上存在的所有static文本,我该如何在XCUITest执行此XCUITest
My aim here is to iterate through all the static texts present on the page and then add an if condition on my expected text.我的目标是遍历页面上存在的所有static文本,然后在我预期的文本上添加一个if条件。

You can use something like that:你可以使用这样的东西:

    for staticText in app.staticTexts.allElementsBoundByIndex {
        if staticText.label == "test" {

//Returns all the labels,buttons, textfield,images in the page with its  name.
//Just change the element name in loop according to the need.

 for staticText in  app.staticTexts.allElementsBoundByIndex{

            if staticText != nil{
                print("No static text found")


I suppose the text is present in the identifier attribute of the staticText element.我想文本存在于staticText元素的identifier属性中。 You can try the following您可以尝试以下操作

for i in 0..<app.staticTexts.count {
    let text = app.staticTexts.element(boundBy: i).identifier
    if text == "Your String" {
        // Your code

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