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使用机器人模式的 XCUITest 无法打印错误的行

[英]XCUITest using Robot pattern can't print the erroneous line

I'm trying to refactor the UI test of my project to use Robot pattern.我正在尝试重构我的项目的 UI 测试以使用机器人模式。 But it seems like it can't show what line in the code is the one with the error.但它似乎无法显示代码中的哪一行是出错的那一行。 Here's the screenshot:这是屏幕截图:

机器人模式 vs 原始模式

As you can see here, the testShowAppHealthAndBackWithoutRobot() can show the error in red line while the testShowAppHealthAndBack() doesn't.正如你在这里看到的, testShowAppHealthAndBackWithoutRobot()可以用红线显示错误,而testShowAppHealthAndBack()没有。

Here are the robots's code:这是机器人的代码:

class Robot {
    let app: XCUIApplication

    init(app: XCUIApplication) {
        self.app = app

    func tap(_ element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 5) {
        guard assertExists(element, timeout: timeout), element.isHittable else {
            XCTFail("Element: \(element) is not hittable!")

    func assertExists(_ element: XCUIElement, timeout: TimeInterval = 5) -> Bool {
        guard element.waitForExistence(timeout: timeout) else {
            XCTFail("Element: \(element) does not exist!")
            return false
        return true

    func assertExists(_ elements: [XCUIElement], timeout: TimeInterval = 5) {
        for _ in 0 ... Int(timeout) {
            if elements.filter({ $0.exists == false }).isEmpty {
            Thread.sleep(forTimeInterval: 1)
        XCTFail("Elements: \(elements) do not exist!")

class MainPageRobot: Robot {
    lazy var mainTitleText = app.staticTexts["My App"]
    lazy var appHealthButton = app.buttons["App Health"]

    func isInMainPageViewController() -> Self {
        _ = assertExists(mainTitleText)
        return self
    func tapAppHealthButton() -> Self {
        return self

class AppHealthRobot: Robot {
    lazy var navigationTitle = app.navigationBars["App Health"].staticTexts["App Health"]
    lazy var backButton = app.staticTexts["Red this shit up"]

    func isInAppHealthViewController() -> Self {
        assertExists(navigationTitle, line: line)
        return self

    func tapBackButton() -> Self {
        return self

So my question is, how do I show the erroneous lines in the test functions using Robot pattern?所以我的问题是,如何使用机器人模式在测试函数中显示错误的线条? Thanks.谢谢。

When adding utility functions with XCTAssert ( XCTFail ) calls you should pass file and line arguments.使用XCTAssert ( XCTFail ) 调用添加实用程序函数时,您应该传递fileline参数。

This is an example of this behaviour.这是这种行为的一个例子。

func verify(something: Bool, file: StaticString = #file, line: UInt = #line) {
     XCTAssertTrue(something, file: file, line: line)

func testVerify() {
    verify(false) // This line would be marked as failed

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