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从 Notepad++ 运行 Python 时获取当前路径

[英]Get current path when running Python from Notepad++

I run Python scripts in Notepad++ using this command我使用此命令在 Notepad++ 中运行 Python 脚本

cmd.exe /K "C:\InstallPython\python.exe" "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)" 

it works, but it works not great.它有效,但效果不佳。 When I run当我跑


it doesn't see the file, but it is in the same folder where the script lies.它没有看到该文件,但它位于脚本所在的同一文件夹中。 When I run当我跑

import os

it prints它打印


How can I make python see files in current folder?如何让python看到当前文件夹中的文件?

Use this command instead:请改用此命令:

cmd.exe /K "cd /D "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" & python "$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH)""

To recap, open the "Run" menu, select the "Run" entry, and enter the above command as "The Program to Run".回顾一下,打开“运行”菜单,选择“运行”条目,然后将上述命令输入为“要运行的程序”。 Possibly "Save…" it and assign a name (and keyboard shortcut) so that it permanently appears in the "Run" menu going forward.可能“保存...”并分配一个名称(和键盘快捷键),以便它永久出现在“运行”菜单中。

What it does is, it opens a command window, changes the working directory to that of the script currently active in the editor (across hard drives, hence the /D parameter), then runs the Python interpreter on the script, but keeps the command window open afterwards (the /K parameter).它的作用是,它打开一个命令窗口,将工作目录更改为当前在编辑器中处于活动状态的脚本的工作目录(跨硬盘驱动器,因此使用/D参数),然后在脚本上运行 Python 解释器,但保留命令之后打开窗口( /K参数)。

Use the full path to python.exe instead of just python in case it's not on the Windows search path for executables.使用python.exe的完整路径,而不仅仅是python ,以防它不在 Windows 可执行文件的搜索路径上。

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