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[英]What's wrong with my use of generator expression?

I have the following code, in which I try to convert a string representation of ranges to a list of numbers. 我有以下代码,其中我尝试将范围的字符串表示形式转换为数字列表。 For example, if the input is '0-0,3-5,7-10' the expected output is [0,3,4,5,7,8,9,10] . 例如,如果输入为'0-0,3-5,7-10'则预期输出为[0,3,4,5,7,8,9,10] However, I got an error at: 但是,我在以下地方遇到错误:

for l,h in r.split('-') 

which it says not enough values to unpack. 它表示没有足够的值可解压。 My reasoning is that, r should have the form 'x-y' , so if I split it by '-' , I should get two values back. 我的推理是, r的形式应为'x-y' ,因此,如果将其除以'-' ,则应该返回两个值。 What's wrong with that? 怎么了

def parse_ranges(ranges):
    """Return a list of numbers corresponding to number ranges in a string"""
    g = (
        for r in ranges.split(',')
        for l,h in r.split('-')
    return (x
            for range_tuple in g
            for l,h in range_tuple
            for x in range(int(l), int(h)+1)


You've got a loop too many. 您的循环太多了。 Since you're trying to keep the two numbers together you don't need a second nested loop. 由于您试图将两个数字保持在一起,因此不需要第二个嵌套循环。 The second one is flattening the results: 第二个是将结果展平:

>>> [x for r in s.split(',') for x in r.split('-')]
['0', '0', '3', '5', '7', '10']

Use one to keep the numbers paired: 使用一个使数字保持配对:

>>> [r.split('-') for r in s.split(',')]
[['0', '0'], ['3', '5'], ['7', '10']]

Then with the second comprehension you can combine the first two for loops by unpacking l and h in place. 然后,通过第二个理解,可以通过将lh解包到适当的位置来组合前两个for循环。

return (x
        for l,h in g
        for x in range(int(l), int(h)+1)

There is the intspan module which does just that. intspan模块可以做到这一点。

import intspan
s =  '0-0,3-5,7-10'

>>> list(intspan.intspan(s))
[0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10]

If your goal is to parse strings with that format into a list of ints, then it may be worth using a regex to parse it 如果您的目标是将具有该格式的字符串解析为int列表,则可能值得使用正则表达式对其进行解析

def parse_ranges(ranges):
    """Return a list of numbers corresponding to number ranges in a string"""
    return re.split(',|-', ranges)


Outputs: 输出:

['0', '5', '8', '10', '11', '13']

To get them as ints, rather than strings, you could do the following: 要将它们获取为整数而不是字符串,可以执行以下操作:

def parse_ranges(ranges):
    """Return a list of numbers corresponding to number ranges in a string"""
    return (int(x) for x in re.split(',|-', ranges))


Outputs: 输出:

[0, 5, 8, 10, 11, 13]

I've been unable to figure-out how to avoid splitting each range string twice, but with that slight inefficiency, here's how it can be made into a single expression: 我一直无法弄清楚如何避免将每个范围字符串分割两次,但是由于效率低下,可以将其变成单个表达式:

def parse_ranges(ranges):
    return tuple(x for r in
                    (range(int(pair.split('-')[0]), int(pair.split('-')[1])+1)
                        for pair in
                            ranges.split(',')) for x in r)

print(parse_ranges('0-0,3-5,7-10'))  # -> (0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10)

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