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[英]Access to data from a previous Promise in a chain

my problem is I want access to data fetched from a previous then(), how can i do it ? 我的问题是我想访问从先前的then()获取的数据,我该怎么办? (requirement : I cannot modify externalBuiltInFunction() ) (要求:我无法修改externalBuiltInFunction())

.then( (response) => {                          
    return response.json();
.then ( (jsonData) => {
    return externalBuiltInFunction(jsonData);
.then ((dataFromExternalFunction) => {
   ... here i want to use jsonData, how can i do ?...

Thx for the help 谢谢你的帮助

You could use just one then statement with async/await : 您可以在async/await仅使用一个then语句:

  .then(async response => {                          
    const jsonData = await response.json();
    const external = await externalBuiltInFunction(jsonData);
    // Here you still have access to jsonData and external 

You can store jsonData in a variable in the outer lexical environment: 您可以将jsonData存储在外部词法环境中的变量中:

let jsonData;

    .then( (response) => {
        return response.json();
    .then ( (jsonData) => {
        jsonData = jsonData;
        return externalBuiltInFunction(jsonData);
    .then ((dataFromExternalFunction) => {
        // jsonData is available here

Alternatively, you can pass jsonData to the next .then explicitly as an array with result of externalBuiltInFunction call: 或者,您可以将jsonData传递给下一个jsonDatajsonData将其作为数组进行显式传递.then并调用externalBuiltInFunction

    .then( (response) => {
        return response.json();
    .then ( (jsonData) => {
        return Promise.all([externalBuiltInFunction(jsonData), jsonData]);
    .then (([dataFromExternalFunction, jsonData]) => {
        // jsonData is available here

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