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[英]Sum of binary tree leaves' values

I wrote this code and when I use print I see that I get the leaves.我写了这段代码,当我使用 print 时,我看到我得到了叶子。 However, the final return from the function is None and not the sum of the leaves, which is supposed to be 7 in this example.但是,该函数的最终返回值是None而不是叶子的总和,在本例中应该是7 I'd be happy to know whats wrong here.我很高兴知道这里出了什么问题。 Thank you !谢谢 !

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val=None):
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.val = val

def sum_leafs(tree):
    if tree is None:
        return 0

    if tree.right and tree.left:

    elif tree.right or tree.left:
        if tree.right:
        elif tree.left:

    elif tree.right is None and tree.left is None:
        return sum_leafs(tree.left) + 1

node = Node(10)
node.right = Node(2)
node.left = Node(11)
node.left.right = Node(5)


You forgot to add + when you sum the branches (left/right) and also you forgot to access val which is the most crucial thing for the whole thing to work.当您对分支(左/右)求和时忘记添加+并且您也忘记访问val ,这是整个工作最重要的事情。

Further, the logic can be simplified:此外,逻辑可以简化:

def sum_leafs(tree):
    if tree is None:
        return 0

    if not tree.right and not tree.left:
        return tree.val

    return sum_leafs(tree.right) + sum_leafs(tree.left)

You are not adding the sums together or returning them.您不是将总和加在一起或返回它们。 This can also be done with a method in the class:这也可以通过类中的方法来完成:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val=None):
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.val = val

    def sum(self):
        s = 0
        if self.left is not None:
            s += self.left.sum()
        if self.right is not None:
            s += self.right.sum()
        return self.val + s

node = Node(10)
node.right = Node(2)
node.left = Node(11)
node.left.right = Node(5)




You are not properly returning the calculated leaf sums.您没有正确返回计算出的叶总和。 Try this:尝试这个:

class Node:
    def __init__(self, val=None):
        self.left = None
        self.right = None
        self.val = val

def sum_leafs(tree):
    if tree is None:
        return 0

    elif tree.right and tree.left:
        return sum_leafs(tree.right) + sum_leafs(tree.left)

    elif tree.right or tree.left:
        if tree.right:
            return sum_leafs(tree.right)
        elif tree.left:
            return sum_leafs(tree.left)

    elif tree.right is None and tree.left is None:
        return tree.val

node = Node(10)
node.right = Node(2)
node.left = Node(11)
node.left.right = Node(5)



First I'm going to update your Node interface so that it's possible to set left and right branches when creating nodes -首先,我要更新您的Node接口,使得它可以设置leftright创建节点时的分支-

class Node:
  def __init__(self, val=None, left=None, right=None):
    self.left = left
    self.right = right
    self.val = val

This allows us to create tress more ergonomically, such as -这使我们能够更符合人体工程学地创建发辫,例如 -

t = Node(10, Node(11, None, Node(5)), Node(2))


Now we write a generic traverse procedure.现在我们编写一个通用的遍历过程。 This allows us to separate 1) the traversal of our tree from 2) the intended operation we want to perform on each tree element -这使我们能够将 1)树的遍历与 2)我们想要对每个树元素执行的预期操作分开 -

def traverse(tree):
  if tree is None:
    yield tree.val
    yield from traverse(tree.left)
    yield from traverse(tree.right)

Now the need for sum_leafs disappears.现在对sum_leafs的需求消失了。 We have decoupled traversal logic from summing logic.我们已经将遍历逻辑与求和逻辑分离。 We can calculate the sum of leafs with a simple combination of sum and traverse -我们可以通过sumtraverse的简单组合来计算叶子的sum -

# 28

don't repeat yourself不要重复自己

Or, instead of summing the values, we could write a search function to find the first value that passes a predicate -或者,我们可以编写一个search函数来查找传递谓词的第一个值,而不是对这些值求和——

def search(test, tree):
  for val in traverse(tree):
    if test(val):
      return val

print(search(lambda x: x < 10, t))
# 5

print(search(lambda x: x > 99, t))
# None

Or, we could simply collect each value into a list -或者,我们可以简单地将每个值收集到一个列表中——

# [ 10, 11, 5, 2 ]

As you can see, removing the traversal logic from each function that depends on our tree can be a huge help.如您所见,从依赖于我们的树的每个函数中删除遍历逻辑可能会有很大帮助。

without generators没有发电机

If you don't like generators, you can write the eager version of traverse which always returns a list .如果你不喜欢生成器,你可以编写traverse的急切版本,它总是返回一个list The difference now is there is no way to partially traverse the tree.现在的区别是无法部分遍历树。 Note the similarities this program shares with the generator version -请注意该程序与生成器版本的相似之处 -

def traverse(t):
  if t is None:
    return [] # <-- empty
    return \
      [ t.val
      , *traverse(t.left)  # <-- yield from
      , *traverse(t.right) # <-- yield from

# [ 10, 11, 5, 2 ]

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