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[英]Click to show phone number and click to call

I need to create function:我需要创建功能:

1) show hidden html (phone number) on click 1)点击显示隐藏的html(电话号码)

2) After mobile number shown it must be clickable so we can call via mobile 2) 显示手机号码后必须是可点击的,以便我们可以通过手机拨打

Here's my code:这是我的代码:

<div class="category-list-title">
   <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="number" data-last="<?php echo get_post_meta($pid, '_carspot_poster_contact', true ); ?>">
    <span><?php echo esc_html__('Click to View', 'carspot' ); ?>

You only need the php to get the data, in this case the phone number.您只需要 php 即可获取数据,在本例中为电话号码。

So this is not a php question, but a html and javascript...所以这不是一个 php 问题,而是一个 html 和 javascript ......

So, here's an example:所以,这是一个例子:


<div class="category-list-title">
<a id="show" href="#" onclick="show();">View phone</a><br>
<!-- Similar to mailto you tel in html this will allow you to make a call directly -->
<a id="phone" href="tel:555-555-5555">555-555-5555</a>


#phone {
  display: none;

JavaScript: JavaScript:

document.getElementById("show").onclick = function() {show()};

function show() {

OR jQuery:或 jQuery:


JSFiddle of the example: https://jsfiddle.net/bm93s2Lc/2/示例的 JSFiddle: https ://jsfiddle.net/bm93s2Lc/2/

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