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[英]Reversing string by word in java (not using StringBuilder)

I'm having trouble getting a method to return anything.我在获取返回任何内容的方法时遇到问题。 The code is supposed to take a string, reverse the string by word, and return the new string.该代码应该接受一个字符串,逐字反转字符串,然后返回新字符串。

This is for a school assignment, and i'm trying to avoid using stringbuilder since it's not covered by the text.这是一个学校作业,我试图避免使用 stringbuilder,因为它没有包含在文本中。 I'm also trying to use syntax I understand as much as possible for obvious reasons.出于显而易见的原因,我也在尝试尽可能多地使用我理解的语法。

public static String reverseByWord(String s){
    String forward[] = s.split("\\s+");
    String backward = new String();
    for (int i=forward.length-1; i< forward.length-1; i--){
        backward += forward[i];

    return backward;

Input example: "The quick brown fox" Output expected: "fox brown quick The" Output: nothing输入示例:“The quick brown fox” 预期输出:“fox brown quick The” 输出:没有

for (int i=forward.length-1; i< forward.length-1; i--){
    backward += forward[i];

This line, int i = forward.length-1; i < forward.length-1这一行, int i = forward.length-1; i < forward.length-1 int i = forward.length-1; i < forward.length-1

You set i to forward.length - 1 , then you immediately tell the for loop that it should executed only if i is less than forward.length - 1您将 i 设置为forward.length - 1 ,然后您立即告诉 for 循环它仅在 i 小于forward.length - 1时才应执行

A really simple solution, just set the condition to i >= 0一个非常简单的解决方案,只需将条件设置为i >= 0

Your for loop condition is not correct.您的for 循环条件不正确。 Your logic should be from last String length to starting of string ie 0.您的逻辑应该是从最后一个字符串长度到字符串开头,即 0。

for (int i=forward.length-1; i >= 0; i--){
    backward += forward[i];

Simple code snippet for your solution : 您的解决方案的简单代码段:

//pattern to be looked for 
    Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\s"); 

    // splitting String with a pattern 
    String[] temp = pattern.split(str); 
    String result = ""; 

    // the string in reverse order. 
    for (int i = 0; i < temp.length; i++) { 
        if (i == temp.length - 1) 
            result = temp[i] + result; 
            result = " " + temp[i] + result; 
    return result; 

For Working Example - Click Here . 对于工作示例- 单击此处

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