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[英]Python: Split a string by a word which contains a substring

I have a string text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days" . 我有一个字符串text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days" I have a list of some words meetingStrings . 我有一些单词meetingStrings的列表。 "meet" is there in meetingStrings . meetingStrings"meet" So, I have to split the text by meeting. 所以,我必须通过见面来分割文本。

Desired Output : 期望的输出:

in 2 days 在2天内

meetingStrings = [
text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days"
for x in meetingStrings:
    if x in text.lower(): 
        txt = text.split(x, 1)[1]

This gives Output: 这给出了输出:

ing in 2 days. 在2天内。

Using re.split() : 使用re.split()

import re

meetingStrings = [

text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days"

print(re.split('|'.join(r'(?:\b\w*'+re.escape(w)+r'\w*\b)' for w in meetingStrings), text, 1)[-1])

Prints: 打印:

 in 2 days

With a small change to your code: 只需对代码进行少量更改:

meetingStrings = [
text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days"
for x in meetingStrings:
    if x in text.lower():
        txt = text.split(x, 1)[1]
        print(txt.split(" ", 1)[1]) #<--- Here

Just take your final output, and split at the first occurrence of a space 只需获取最终输出,并在第一次出现空格时分割

This expression might also work with an i flag: 此表达式也可能与i标志一起使用:


and we can include any desired words that we might want in the non-capturing groups using logical ORs, such as: 我们可以使用逻辑OR包含我们在非捕获组中可能需要的任何所需单词,例如:




Test 测试

import re

regex = r"(?:meet|interview|appointment)\S*\s+((?:in|after)\s[0-9]+\s+(?:days?|months?|weeks?|years?))"
test_str = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days meetings in 2 months meet in 1 week nomeeting in 2 days meet after 2 days"

print(re.findall(regex, test_str, re.IGNORECASE))

Output 产量

['in 2 days', 'in 2 months', 'in 1 week', 'in 2 days', 'after 2 days']

The expression is explained on the top right panel of this demo if you wish to explore/simplify/modify it. 如果您希望探索/简化/修改表达式,请在本演示的右上方面板中进行说明。

RegEx Circuit RegEx电路

jex.im visualizes regular expressions: jex.im可视化正则表达式:


This is for using a search. 这是为了使用搜索。
All you need to do is put the text in the middle of a word 您需要做的就是将文本放在单词的中间
then match the word. 然后匹配这个词。

The result is in capture group 1. 结果在捕获组1中。

No whitespace trim 没有空白修剪


https://regex101.com/r/lK4zRz/1 https://regex101.com/r/lK4zRz/1

Readable version 可读版本

   |  meet
   |  interview
 ( .* )                        # (1)

With whitespace trim 有空白修剪


https://regex101.com/r/v2qAOQ/1 https://regex101.com/r/v2qAOQ/1

Additionally, if you add a .* to the beginning of either regex, 另外,如果你在正则表达式的开头添加.*
it will always get the last keyword. 它总是会得到最后一个关键字。

Try this: 尝试这个:

import re
text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days"
print(re.split("({})\\w*".format("|".join(meetingStrings)), text)[-1].strip())

Outputs: in 2 days 产出: in 2 days

Without Regex, str.partition -ing: 没有正则表达式, str.partition -ing:

for x in meetingStrings: 
    pre, _, post = text.lower().partition(x) 
    if post: 
        pre = pre.rpartition(' ')[0] if not pre.endswith(' ') else pre.rstrip() 
        post = post.partition(' ')[-1] if not post.startswith(' ') else post.lstrip() 
        print([pre, post]) 

Example: 例:

In [35]: meetingStrings = [ 
    ...:     "appointment", 
    ...:     "meet", 
    ...:     "interview" 
    ...: ] 
    ...: text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days" 

    ...: for x in meetingStrings: 
    ...:     pre, _, post = text.lower().partition(x) 
    ...:     if post: 
    ...:         pre = pre.rpartition(' ')[0] if not pre.endswith(' ') else pre.rstrip() 
    ...:         post = post.partition(' ')[-1] if not post.startswith(' ') else post.lstrip() 
    ...:         print([pre, post]) 
['fix me a', 'in 2 days']

Try something like this: 尝试这样的事情:

import re

meetingStrings = [
text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days"

def split_string(text, strings):
    search = re.compile('|'.join(strings))
    start = None
    input = text.split()
    for e, x in enumerate(input):
        if search.search(x):
            if start < e:
                yield ' '.join(input[start:e])
            start = None
            if start is None:
                start = e
        if start is not None:
            yield ' '.join(input[start:])

print(' '.join(split_string(text, meetingStrings)))

This might be longer, than other answers, but seems to do exactly what you wanted - split on strings, which contain as substring one of strings passed in. 这可能比其他答案更长,但似乎完全符合您的要求 - 在字符串上拆分,其中包含作为子字符串传入的字符串之一。

I have an alternative and much simpler approach, first split all the words in your sentence then chop off the sentence from the location that meetingStrings appear: 我有另一种更简单的方法,首先将你的句子中的所有单词拆分,然后从meetingStrings出现的位置meetingStrings句子:

for i in meetingStrings:
    for idx, j in enumerate(l):
        if i in j:
print(' '.join(l))

Gives: 得到:

'in 2 days'

you can just use find() and list slice: 你可以使用find()和list slice:

text = "Fix me a meeting in 2 days"
meetingStrings = [

sep = [i for i in meetingStrings if i in text]

idx = text.find(sep[0])
idx_ = text[idx:].find(' ')
print (text[idx+idx_:])

output: 输出:

in 2 days

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