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[英]python split string and pick substring

I am having a lot of trouble with the list returned by the split function in python. 我在python中的split函数返回的列表上遇到了很多麻烦。 I am probably being incredibly dense. 我可能非常的密集。

My python code is as follows 我的python代码如下

str = "XXX:YYY:ZZZ"
ins = str.split(':')
print ins

When the script runs it returns the following result 脚本运行时返回以下结果


What i am struggling to do is pull out the string contained the second string in the list. 我正在努力做的是拔出列表中包含第二个字符串的字符串。 I would have thought the following code at the end of the python code would work. 我本以为python代码末尾的以下代码可以工作。

print ins[1]

but when i run it i get the following error 但是当我运行它时,出现以下错误

IndexError: list index out of range

Any help would be much appreciated 任何帮助将非常感激

full code 完整的代码

import time
ser = serial.Serial("COM3", 9600)
print ser
print "Sending serial data"
var = 0
while var<=10:
    str = ser.readline()
    print str
    ins = str.split(':')
    print ins
    print ins[0]
    if (str.split(':')=='end\n'):
    print "Serial connection is still open."
    print "Serial connectionnow terminated."

This returns 这返回

Serial<id=0x2a7fc50, open=True>(port='COM3', baudrate=9600, bytesize=8, parity='N', stopbits=1, timeout=None, xonxoff=False, rtscts=False, dsrdtr=False)
Sending serial data
Program Initiated

['Program Initiated\n']
Program Initiated


['0', 'addsd', '1\n']

['1', 'addsd', '2\n']

['2', 'end', '2\n']

Your code will not work in instances where the input you're analyzing has a length <= 1. 在您分析的输入长度小于等于1的情况下,您的代码将不起作用。

Try checking for that and handling it in your code. 尝试检查并在您的代码中进行处理。

One of the lines you are reading probably has a two '\\n' characters in a row. 您正在阅读的其中一行可能连续有两个'\\ n'字符。 When that string is read with readlines() and then spit it has no [1] index only a [0] index. 当使用readlines()读取该字符串然后吐出该字符串时,它没有[1]索引,只有[0]索引。

What output do you get for the program: 您会从程序中得到什么输出:

import serial // Or is serial a builtin for the version of python you are using?
print repr(serial.Serial("COM3", 9600))

Thanks, Marlen 谢谢,马伦

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