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[英]Error with “partial” function in pdp package when using random forest

I am getting an error message when using the partial function from the pdp package on my random forest model. 在随机森林模型上使用pdp包中的partial函数时,出现错误消息。 I am trying to plot a partial dependence plot using this package. 我正在尝试使用此包绘制部分依赖图。


# random forest model
model_rf <- randomForest(Rec ~ ., data = sample, importance = TRUE)

# from pdp package
p1 <- partial(model_rf, pred.var = "HDI", plot = TRUE)

Then I get this error when running into the last line: 然后我遇到最后一行时出现此错误:

Error: .f must be a function, not aa randomForest.formula/randomForest object 错误: .f必须是一个函数,而不是randomForest.formula/randomForest对象

I'm not sure what .f its referring to and I have found the exact same code online where this partial function works using a random forest model. 我不确定它指的是什么.f ,并且我在网上找到了完全相同的代码,其中该partial函数使用随机森林模型运行。

The same problem bothered me as well. 同样的问题也困扰着我。 I will post the solution here, so that people can learn from my mistake. 我将在此处发布解决方案,以便人们可以从我的错误中学习。

I had the same error when using pdp because I also loaded the dplyr package, which resulted in pdp::partial being blocked due to name conflict. 使用pdp时出现相同的错误,因为我还加载了dplyr包,这导致pdp :: partial由于名称冲突而被阻止。 Check the conflicts and detach the package with "conflicting interest", then it should be all good. 检查冲突并以“有利益冲突”的方式拆开包装,那么一切都应该很好。

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