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[英]Running different tasks simultaneously in python?

I've written a python program to continuously do the following on a Raspberry Pi 3B+: 我编写了一个python程序来在Raspberry Pi 3B +上连续执行以下操作:

  • Check date/time. 检查日期/时间。
  • Check if a directory is available with the current date/time as name, if not make a directory. 检查目录是否可用,以当前日期/时间为名称,如果没有,则创建目录。
  • Read serial data from a sensor. 从传感器读取串行数据。
  • Convert serial data to readable results. 将串行数据转换为可读的结果。
  • Check results for triggers. 检查结果以获取触发器。
  • Check GPIO pins for an extra, external trigger. 检查GPIO引脚是否有额外的外部触发。
  • IF triggered: take a picture using a PiCamera module, save the picture with date/time as name in the directory, create/append results in a .txt file. 如果已触发:使用PiCamera模块拍照,将带有日期/时间作为名称的图片保存在目录中,然后将结果创建/追加到.txt文件中。

The program mostly does what I intended it to do, but when I check the results in the .txt file, some results are 'impossible' and indicate I'm not reading/converting my serial data properly. 该程序主要完成了我想要的操作,但是当我检查.txt文件中的结果时,某些结果是“不可能的”,并指示我没有正确读取/转换我的串行数据。 The sensor also outputs data at 100 telegrams/second, which is nowhere near the actual rate at which the Raspberry Pi is saving results (around 2 measurements/second). 传感器还以100电报/秒的速度输出数据,这远不及Raspberry Pi保存结果的实际速率(大约2次测量/秒)。

I've tried writing a program that only reads the serial data, nothing else, and this is able to keep up with the sensor. 我尝试编写仅读取串行数据的程序,而别的什么也不能读取,并且可以跟上传感器的速度。 I also tried replacing the checking of the header with a ser.read_until() (leaving the useless headers at the end of each telegram). 我还尝试用ser.read_until()替换对标头的检查(在每个电报的末尾保留无用的标头)。 However this resulted in telegrams of varying lengths, making the parsing into the 6 variables harder. 但是,这导致电报的长度不同,这使得对6个变量的解析更加困难。 Check this link to see what a telegram consists of according to specs. 检查此链接,以查看根据规格组成的电报。 The code I use now (below) reads the telegram in pieces (2, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1 bytes) but sometimes returns values that seem misinterpreted. 我现在(下面)使用的代码以分段方式(2、2、1、1、2、2、1个字节)读取电报,但有时返回的值似乎被误解了。

#!/usr/bin/env python
import time, serial, os, sys, stat, os.path, subprocess                                 
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
from picamera import PiCamera
from datetime import datetime

ser = serial.Serial(                                                                    
    baudrate = 19200,

signaltrigger = 60
trigger = 24
GPIO.setup(trigger, GPIO.IN, pull_up_down=GPIO.PUD_DOWN)                                

now = datetime.now()                                                                    
data_dir = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")
save_path = "/home/pi/serial/"+data_dir+"/"                                            
test = os.path.isdir(save_path)                                                         
if test == False:                                                                       
    subprocess.call(['chmod', '-R', '777', '/home/pi/serial'])                          

cam = PiCamera()                                                                        
cam.rotation = 90                                                                       
cam.resolution = (480, 360)                                                             
signaltriggerA = 0
signaltriggerB = 0

while 1:
    now = datetime.now()                                                                    
    time_exact = now.strftime(str(now)[11:23])                                          
    date_time = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")                                          
    data_dir = now.strftime("%d-%m-%Y")                                                 
    save_path = "/home/pi/serial/"+data_dir+"/"                                         
    completename = os.path.join(save_path, date_time+".txt")                            
    namepic = str(time_exact+".jpg")
    completenamepic = os.path.join(save_path, data_dir+" "+time_exact+".jpg")           
    test = os.path.isdir(save_path)                                                     
    if test == False:                                                                   
        subprocess.call(['chmod', '-R', '777', '/home/pi/serial'])
    x = ser.read(3)                                                                     
    if x != b'~~~':                                                                     
        print("Header mismatched")
        x = ser.read(9)                                                                 
        d = 0
        j = 0
    elif x == b'~~~':
        print("Serial communication started...")
        y = ser.read(2)                                                                 
        a = ser.read(2)
        c = ser.read(1)
        e = ser.read(2)
        g = ser.read(2)
        i = ser.read(1)
        z = int.from_bytes(y, byteorder='little', signed=False)/100                     
        b = round(int.from_bytes(a, byteorder='little', signed=True)*0.0367, 2)
        d = int.from_bytes(c, byteorder='little', signed=False)                         
        f = int.from_bytes(e, byteorder='little', signed=False)/100                     
        h = round(int.from_bytes(g, byteorder='little', signed=True)*0.0367, 2)
        j = int.from_bytes(i, byteorder='little', signed=False)                         
    if d >= signaltrigger:
        signaltriggerA = 1
        signaltriggerA = 0
    if j >= signaltrigger:
        signaltriggerB = 1
        signaltriggerB = 0
    if signaltriggerA or signaltriggerB or GPIO.input(trigger):        
        M = open(completename,"a+",encoding='utf-8')                                    
        M.write('[%s]: Distance(a) = %s [m], Velocity(a) = %s [km/h], Signal(a) = %s [dB], Distance(r) = %s [m], Velocity(r) = %s [km/h], Signal(r) = %s [dB]. Trigger(a) = %s, Trigger(r) = %s, Trigger(ETZ) = %s. Picture: %s\n'%(time_exact,z,b,d,f,h,j,signaltriggerA,signaltriggerB,GPIO.input(trigger),namepic))
        print("No triggers detected")

I expect the program to parse each incoming telegram into 6 pieces and translate these pieces into results (integers or floats), but sometimes the values of these results turn out way too high (impossible for the sensor). 我希望程序将每个传入的电报解析为6个部分,并将这些部分转换为结果(整数或浮点数),但有时这些结果的值会变得过高(对于传感器而言是不可能的)。 I expect this to be caused by manually reading the different bytes (taking too much time and missing parts of the telegram as the sensor continuously spits out data). 我希望这是由手动读取不同的字节引起的(由于传感器不断吐出数据,因此花费了太多时间并丢失了电报的某些部分)。
How could I ensure the correct reading and converting of the serial data? 如何确保正确读取和转换串行数据? Also if the sensor outputs data at 100 telegrams/second but the camera can't keep up with 100 pictures/second, is it possible to calculate a moving average instead of using just one of many telegrams? 同样,如果传感器以每秒100封电报的速度输出数据,但相机无法跟上每秒100张照片的速度,那么是否可以计算移动平均值而不是仅使用许多电报之一? Edit: Added picture of telegram's specifications to help understand the serial data + added complete python program. 编辑:添加了电报规范的图片,以帮助理解串行数据+添加了完整的python程序。

I would use read_until() to read up to the three header bytes and some saner and more readable way to turn the data bytes into values. 我将使用read_until()读取最多三个标头字节,以及将数据字节转换为值的更简洁,更易读的方法。

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from ctypes import LittleEndianStructure, c_int16, c_uint16, c_uint8, sizeof
from datetime import datetime
import os

class SensorData(LittleEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = 1
    _fields_ = [
        ('_distance', c_uint16),
        ('_velocity', c_int16),
        ('signal_strength', c_uint8),

    def distance(self):
        return self._distance / 100

    def velocity(self):
        return self._velocity * 0.0367

    def to_string(self, name):
        return (
            f'Distance({name}) = {self.distance} [m],'
            f' Velocity({name}) = {self.velocity} [km/h],'
            f' Signal({name}) = {self.signal_strength} [dB]'

class Message(LittleEndianStructure):
    _pack_ = 1
    _fields_ = [
        ('sensor_a', SensorData),
        ('sensor_b', SensorData),

def main():
    # ...

    while True:
        now = datetime.now()
        save_path = f'/home/pi/serial/{now:%d-%m-%Y}'
        log_path = os.path.join(save_path, f'{now:%d-%m-%Y %H:%M}.txt')
        picture_filename = f'{now:%H:%M:%S.%f}.jpg'
        picture_path = os.path.join(save_path, picture_filename)
        os.makedirs(save_path, exist_ok=True)

        message = Message.from_buffer_copy(ser.read(sizeof(Message)))
        signal_trigger_a = message.sensor_a.signal_strength >= signal_trigger
        signal_trigger_b = message.sensor_b.signal_strength >= signal_trigger
        gpio_trigger = GPIO.input(trigger)
        if signal_trigger_a or signal_trigger_b or gpio_trigger:
            with open(log_path, 'a', encoding='utf-8') as log_file:
                    f' {message.sensor_a.to_string("a")},'
                    f' {message.sensor_a.to_string("r")}.'
                    f' Trigger(a) = {signal_trigger_a},'
                    f' Trigger(r) = {signal_trigger_b},'
                    f' Trigger(ETZ) = {gpio_trigger}.'
                    f' Picture: {picture_filename}\n'
            print('No triggers detected')

if __name__ == '__main__':

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