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[英]DocuSign: Signer Tabs are lost when updating an envelope

When I initially create and sent a DocuSign envelope, I define the tabs where to recipients needs to sign and where the signed date will be placed. 最初创建并发送DocuSign信封时,我定义了选项卡,收件人需要在这些选项卡上签名,并在其中放置签名日期。 This works great with the eSignatures REST API. 与eSignatures REST API一起使用时效果很好。

When some changes are done in the document (and the envelope status is sent or delivered), the document of the envelope can still be updated. 当文档中进行了一些更改(并且信封状态已发送或传递)时,信封的文档仍然可以更新。 With the code below I'm able to update the document and email subject/body. 使用下面的代码,我可以更新文档和电子邮件主题/正文。 After resend, I get the changes made to the email and document correctly. 重新发送后,我正确地获得了对电子邮件和文档所做的更改。

In the 'new' DocuSign email the signer tabs are lost and I don't have a place to sign. 在“新” DocuSign电子邮件中,签名者标签丢失了,我没有签名的地方。

What I have tried, is to define the signerTabs again and bound it to the recipient. 我尝试过的是再次定义signerTab并将其绑定到收件人。

Update document and email subject/body 更新文档和电子邮件主题/正文

envDef.EmailSubject = env.EmailSubject = "Updated documents";
envDef.EmailBlurb = env.EmailBlurb = "Changes were made to the document(s)";
env.Status = EnumHelper.GetDescription(DSStatus.Sent);
envDef.Documents = new List<Document>() { doc };

apiClient.UpdateDocuments(_accountId, envelopeId, envDef);

apiClient.Update(_accountId, envelopeId, env, new EnvelopesApi.UpdateOptions() { resendEnvelope = true.ToString() });
Signer signer1 = new Signer
    RecipientId = "1"
SignHere signHere1 = new SignHere
    AnchorString = "/sn1/"
Tabs signer1Tabs = new Tabs
    SignHereTabs = new List<SignHere> { signHere1 },
    DateSignedTabs = new List<DateSigned> { dateSigned1 },
    FullNameTabs = new List<FullName> { fullName1 }
signer1.Tabs = signer1Tabs;

Recipients recipients = new Recipients
    Signers = new List<Signer> { signer1 },
env.Recipients = recipients;


This is my request body when sending an envelope. 发送信封时,这是我的请求正文。 The signer tabs are added with anchorString , in this case /sn1/. 签名者选项卡添加有anchorString ,在这种情况下为/ sn1 /。 So it seems that the updated document no longer has these tabs. 因此,似乎更新后的文档不再具有这些选项卡。

"recipients" : {
    "signers" : [ {
      "routingOrder" : "1",
      "name" : "Recipient Name",
      "email" : "Recipient Email Address",
      "recipientId" : "1",
      "tabs" : {
        "signHereTabs" : [ {
          "anchorString" : "/sn1/",
        } ]

How comes that those signer details are lost, but the envelope is resend to the correct signers again? 这些签名人的详细信息怎么丢失了,但是信封又重新发送给正确的签名人呢?

so your tabs, how were they created? 因此,您的标签页是如何创建的? manually by dragging dropping in the tagger ? 通过拖动标记器手动删除? You can define them using the API as well. 您也可以使用API​​定义它们。 You can GET them for an existing envelope and then "rehydrate" them back to the envelope after you updated it. 您可以为现有信封获取它们,然后在更新后将它们“补水”回信封。

Probably, it is common in DocuSign that the tabs of the recipients are lost when updating a document. 可能是,在DocuSign中,更新文档时丢失收件人的标签是很常见的。 To solve this I got the recipients with the tabs included with following call: apiClient.ListRecipients(_accountId, envelopeId, new EnvelopesApi.ListRecipientsOptions(){ includeTabs = true.ToString() }); 为了解决这个问题,我为接收者提供了以下调用中包含的选项卡:apiClient.ListRecipients(_accountId,envelopeId,new EnvelopesApi.ListRecipientsOptions(){includeTabs = true.ToString()});

This result can be placed in envDef.Recipients. 此结果可以放在envDef.Recipients中。

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