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[英]Receiving segfault while mallocing within an array of char pointers

I'm writing a simple c program that reads lines from a text file into a char **. 我正在编写一个简单的c程序,该程序将从文本文件中读取行到char **中。 In my main function, I create the char * array, allocate memory for it, and pass a pointer to the array to another function to populate each index in the array with a char * representing the content of each line in the text file. 在我的主函数中,我创建了char *数组,为其分配了内存,然后将指向该数组的指针传递给另一个函数,以用代表文本文件中每一行内容的char *填充数组中的每个索引。

For some reason related to my memory management I'm guessing, I'm receiving a segmentation fault on the third iteration of my while loop, which copies the string into the array of strings. 由于某种原因,我猜测与内存管理有关,我在while循环的第三次迭代中收到分段错误,该错误将字符串复制到字符串数组中。 Why is this? 为什么是这样?

My code: 我的代码:

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void getRestaurants(char ***restaurantsArray) {
    FILE *restaurantsFile = fopen("./restaurants.txt", "r");
    char *restaurant = (char *)malloc(50 * sizeof(char));
    char *restaurantCopy = restaurant;

    //fopen will return null if it is unable to read the file
    if (restaurantsFile == NULL) {

    int index = 0;
    while (fgets(restaurantCopy, 50, restaurantsFile)) {
        // segfault occurs the third time the following line is executed
        *restaurantsArray[index] = (char*)malloc(50 * sizeof(char));
        strcpy(*restaurantsArray[index], restaurantCopy);
        printf("%s", restaurantCopy);
        printf("%s", *restaurantsArray[index]);


void main() {
    char **restaurantsArray = (char **)malloc(100 * sizeof(char *));
    char **restaurantsArrayCopy = restaurantsArray;

Expected Result: 预期结果:


and so on, if the provided restaurants.txt file contains: 依此类推,如果提供的restaurant.txt文件包含:


In getRestaurants , restaurantsArray is declared as char ***Array . getRestaurantsrestaurantsArray被声明为char ***Array In the line *restaurantsArray[index] = …; *restaurantsArray[index] = …; , it takes restaurantsArray[index] and attempts to use it as a pointer (by applying the * operator). ,它将采用restaurantsArray[index]并尝试将其用作指针(通过应用*运算符)。 But restaurantsArray is merely a pointer to the restaurantsArrayCopy in main . 但是restaurantsArray仅仅是mainrestaurantsArrayCopy的指针。 restaurantsArrayCopy is merely a single object, not an array. restaurantsArrayCopy仅仅是一个对象,而不是数组。 It is just one char ** . 它只是一个char ** In getRestaurants , using restaurantsArray[index] with anything but zero for index uses some undefined thing. getRestaurants ,使用restaurantsArray[index]用什么,但零index使用一些不确定的事情。

There is no need to pass &restaurantsArrayCopy from main to getRestaurants . 无需将main &restaurantsArrayCopy传递给getRestaurants Just pass restaurantsArray . 只需传递restaurantsArray This is a pointer to allocated space. 这是指向已分配空间的指针。

Then, in getRestaurants , instead of *restaurantsArray[index] = …; 然后,在getRestaurants ,而不是*restaurantsArray[index] = …; , use restaurantsArray[index] = …; ,使用restaurantsArray[index] = …; , without the * . ,不带* This will assign a value to an element in restaurantsArray , which is what you want to do. 这将为restaurantsArray的元素分配一个值,这就是您想要做的。 Similarly, remove the * in the strcpy and the printf . 同样,删除strcpyprintf中的*

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