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从 C# .net 框架 4.7.2 与 Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts 一起使用 FileOpenPicker 时出现“无效窗口句柄”错误,没有 UWP

[英]“Invalid window handle” error when using FileOpenPicker from C# .net framwork 4.7.2 with Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts without UWP

I am trying to use Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts to access the Windows10 API from .net framework WFP application.我正在尝试使用 Microsoft.Windows.SDK.Contracts 从 .net framework WFP 应用程序访问 Windows10 API。 I want to use the FileOpenPicker() to select the image for OCR processing by Windows.Media.Ocr.我想使用 FileOpenPicker() 来选择图像以供 Windows.Media.Ocr 进行 OCR 处理。 But I met the 'Invalid window handle' error when using the picker但是我在使用选择器时遇到了“无效窗口句柄”错误

I found a post which met the similar a link issue with C++/WinRT.我发现了一个帖子,它遇到了与 C++/WinRT 类似的链接问题。 One of the answer point out " The program will crash because the FileOpenPicker looks for a CoreWindow on the current thread to serve as the owner of the dialog. But we are a Win32 desktop app without a CoreWindow."其中一个答案指出“程序会崩溃,因为 FileOpenPicker 在当前线程上寻找一个 CoreWindow 作为对话框的所有者。但我们是一个没有 CoreWindow 的 Win32 桌面应用程序。” I think the root cause is the same.我认为根本原因是一样的。 But I don't know how to fix from the my code based on .net framework side.但我不知道如何从基于 .net 框架端的代码中修复。

public async void Load()
    var picker = new FileOpenPicker()
        SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary,
        FileTypeFilter = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp" },

    var file = await picker.PickSingleFileAsync();
    if (file != null)



Error message: System.Exception: 'Invalid window handle.(Exception from HRESULT:0x80070578)'错误消息:System.Exception:'无效的窗口句柄。(来自 HRESULT 的异常:0x80070578)'

Create a file with:创建一个文件:

using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace <standardnamespace>
    public interface IInitializeWithWindow
        void Initialize(IntPtr hwnd);

change your code to:将您的代码更改为:

public async void Load()
    var picker = new FileOpenPicker()
        SuggestedStartLocation = PickerLocationId.PicturesLibrary,
        FileTypeFilter = { ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".png", ".bmp" },


    var file = await picker.PickSingleFileAsync();
    if (file != null)



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