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[英]Convert keys and prototype methods to camelcase

I have a class instance whose constructor takes an object or a JSON string representing that object.我有一个类实例,其构造函数采用一个对象一个表示该对象的 JSON 字符串。 * *

Because that JSON comes from a remote source, I like to ensure that the properties all have a lowercase first letter.因为该 JSON 来自远程源,所以我喜欢确保所有属性的首字母都为小写。 However I've noticed that the method I'm using to do so ( Object.keys() ) ignores prototype methods.但是我注意到我使用的方法( Object.keys() )忽略了原型方法。 This makes sense after reading the documentation.阅读文档后,这是有道理的。 I considered Object.getOwnPropertyNames() instead but given that I'm not dealing with enumerable vs non-enumerable (as far as I know), that wouldn't make a difference.我考虑过Object.getOwnPropertyNames()但鉴于我没有处理可枚举与不可枚举(据我所知),这不会有什么区别。

Is there an alternative method I can use to lowercase the first letter of all keys and prototype methods?有没有一种替代方法可以用来小写所有键原型方法的第一个字母?

Thanks.谢谢。 Demonstration below.下面演示。

 class B { constructor() { this.MyProperty = "Hello world!"; } MyMethod() {} } class A { constructor(b) { console.log(`MyMethod exists before lowercasing: ${!!b.MyMethod}`); b = Object.keys(b).reduce((copy,key) => ({...copy, [`${key[0].toLowerCase()}${key.slice(1)}`]: b[key]}),{}); console.log(`MyMethod exists after lowercasing: ${!!b.myMethod || !!b.MyMethod}`); console.log(`MyProperty has been lowercased: ${!!b.myProperty}`); } } let b = new B(); let a = new A(b);

* I've removed this for sake of brevity. * 为简洁起见,我已将其删除。

You could get the prototype from the instance using Object.getPrototypeOf(instance) and then invoke Object.getOwnPropertyNames() on the prototype to get the list of prototype methods.您可以使用Object.getPrototypeOf(instance)从实例中获取原型,然后在原型上调用Object.getOwnPropertyNames()以获取原型方法列表。

Using Array.prototype.reduce() you can combine the prototype methods as well as the keys of the object instance you have given into a single object and apply your lower-casing logic subsequently:使用Array.prototype.reduce()您可以将原型方法以及您提供的对象实例的键组合到一个对象中,然后应用您的小写逻辑:

 class B { MyMethod() { return true } } class A { constructor(b) { console.log(`MyMethod exists before lowercasing: ${!!b.MyMethod}`); var proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(b); var comp = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(proto).reduce((obj, key) => {obj[key] = proto[key]; return obj}, {...b}) b = Object.keys(comp).reduce((copy,key) => ({...copy, [`${key[0].toLowerCase()}${key.slice(1)}`]: b[key]}),[]); console.log(`MyMethod exists after lowercasing: ${!!b.myMethod || !!b.MyMethod}`); } } let b = new B(); let a = new A(b);

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