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[英]Postgres (DBeaver) reporting 0 changed rows after ST_Transform

When I execute: 当我执行时:

ALTER TABLE london_all_nodes ALTER COLUMN geom TYPE geometry(Point, 27700) USING ST_TRANSFORM(geom, 27700);

the Dbeaver statistics window reports Updated Rows = 0 Dbeaver统计信息窗口报告Updated Rows = 0

When I check the data with 当我检查数据时

SELECT * FROM london_all_nodes LIMIT 5;

the geom column looks transformed as expected but it seems like updated rows should be equal to the number of rows in the table no? geom列看起来按预期进行了转换,但似乎updated rows应该等于表中的行数吗?

per @a_horse_with_no_name's comment, and confirmed by the documentation "ALTER TABLE changes the definition of an existing table." 每个@a_horse_with_no_name的注释,并由文档 “ ALTER TABLE更改现有表的定义”确认。 ALTER TABLE acts on a column, not any individual rows. ALTER TABLE作用于列,而不作用于任何单独的行。

Thus every cell in the column is changed but it considers the rows to be unchanged. 因此,列中的每个单元格都发生了变化,但它认为行是不变的。

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