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[英]How to load weights from a saved model

I have a trained keras model saved with model.save(). 我有一个保存在model.save()中的训练好的keras模型。 When I load it and print a summary it appears as below. 当我加载它并打印摘要时,它显示如下。

Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_1 (InputLayer)         (None, 2)                 0         
model_1 (Model)              (None, 8)                 83208     
Total params: 83,208
Trainable params: 83,208
Non-trainable params: 0

Now I want to load the weights of the model_1 (a 6 layer network) in above network to a model with the same architecture. 现在,我想将上述网络中的model_1(6层网络)的权重加载到具有相同架构的模型中。 When I try to load from model.load_weights() I get an error saying that I cannot load from a 2 layer network to a 6 layer network. 当我尝试从model.load_weights()加载时,出现一条错误消息,提示我无法从2层网络加载到6层网络。 This is due to that model_1 is just a layer in the above model. 这是因为model_1只是上述模型中的一层。 How do I separately access and load weights from this layer? 如何从该层分别访问和加载权重?

You can use model.layers to access the various layers of a model and thus model.layers[1] to access model_1 . 您可以使用model.layers访问模型的各个层,从而可以使用model.layers model.layers[1]访问model_1 Then you can load the weights via model.layers[1].load_weights(...) . 然后,您可以通过model.layers[1].load_weights(...)加载权重。

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