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[英]For some reason this is crashing and I have no idea why

I'm doing a termometric scale converter in Android Studio, but when I input a number on any EditText and press the calculate button it crashes and I have no idea why. 我正在Android Studio中进行温度换算,但是当我在任何EditText上输入数字并按下计算按钮时,它会崩溃,我也不知道为什么。

This is the MainActivity.java code: 这是MainActivity.java代码:

    private ViewHolder mViewHolder = new ViewHolder();

    protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

        this.mViewHolder.editValueCel = findViewById(R.id.edit_value_cel);
        this.mViewHolder.editValueFahr = findViewById(R.id.edit_value_fahr);
        this.mViewHolder.editValueKelvin = findViewById(R.id.edit_value_kelvin);
        this.mViewHolder.buttonCalculate = findViewById(R.id.button_calculate);
        this.mViewHolder.textCelsius = findViewById(R.id.tot_celcius);
        this.mViewHolder.textFahr = findViewById(R.id.tot_fahr);
        this.mViewHolder.textKelvin = findViewById(R.id.tot_kelvin);



    public void onClick(View view) {
        if (view.getId() == R.id.button_calculate){

            String valorCel = this.mViewHolder.editValueCel.getText().toString();
            String valorFahr = this.mViewHolder.editValueFahr.getText().toString();
            String valorKelvin = this.mViewHolder.editValueKelvin.getText().toString();

            if (("".equals(valorCel)) && ("".equals(valorFahr)) && ("".equals(valorKelvin))){

                Toast.makeText(this, this.getString(R.string.informe_valor), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

            }else {

                Double celsius = Double.valueOf(valorCel);
                Double fahr = Double.valueOf(valorFahr);
                Double kelvin = Double.valueOf(valorKelvin);

                if (("".equals(valorFahr)) && ("".equals(valorKelvin))){


                }else if(("".equals(valorCel)) && ("".equals(valorKelvin))){


                }else if(("".equals(valorCel)) && ("".equals(valorFahr))){



                    Toast.makeText(this, this.getString(R.string.erro_muitos_valores), Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();



    private static class ViewHolder{
        EditText editValueCel;
        EditText editValueFahr;
        EditText editValueKelvin;
        TextView textCelsius;
        TextView textFahr;
        TextView textKelvin;
        Button buttonCalculate;


If there's need to post the activity_main.xml code here just tell me and I'll post it. 如果需要在此处发布activity_main.xml代码,请告诉我,我将其发布。

You convert strings to doubles first 您首先将字符串转换为双精度

Double celsius = Double.valueOf(valorCel);
Double fahr = Double.valueOf(valorFahr);
Double kelvin = Double.valueOf(valorKelvin);

but judging from the code that follows most likely one or more of the strings are empty which gives a NumberFormatException (or null which gives a NullPointerException ) so you need to move the conversions to be inside one of the if/else conditions. 但是从后面的代码判断,一个或多个字符串很可能为空,这会导致NumberFormatException (或者为null会导致NullPointerException ),因此您需要将转换移至if / else条件之一内。

It is better to use isEmpty() than comparing if a string equals "" 使用isEmpty()比比较字符串是否等于“”

if (valorFahr.isEmpty() && valorKelvin.isEmpty()){
    Double celsius = Double.valueOf(valorCel);
} else if(valorCel.isEmpty() && valorKelvin.isEmpty()){
    Double fahr = Double.valueOf(valorFahr);
} else if(valorCel.isEmpty() && valorFahr.isEmpty()){
    Double kelvin = Double.valueOf(valorKelvin);

Not knowing how the rest of your app works it might still be a good thing to check that not all 3 strings are empty or that any of them are null as part of this code. 不知道应用程序其余部分的工作方式,作为此代码的一部分,检查并非所有3个字符串都为空或它们中的任何一个为null仍然是一件好事。

So maybe before the if/else part do 所以也许在if / else部分之前

if ((valorFahr == null || valorKelvin == null || valorCel == null) ||
    (valorFahr.isEmpty() && valorKelvin.isEmpty() && valorCel.isEmpty())) {
    //some error handling

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