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是否可以在带有INET ++的OMNET ++中的WSN环境中创建事件(温度,湿度,噪声)

[英]Is it possible to create events (Temperature, humidity, noises) in the environment of a WSN in OMNET++ with INET++

Is it possible to create events (Temperature, humidity, noises) in the environment of a WSN in OMNET++ with INET++ I would like to create a wsn where the nodes can actually measure their environment and send the data through the network. 是否可以使用INET ++在OMNET ++中的WSN环境中创建事件(温度,湿度,噪声)?我想创建一个wsn,节点可以实际测量其环境并通过网络发送数据。 Does anybody know whether that is possible with OMNET++ 有人知道OMNET ++是否可行

I looked through the Manual but can't find anything on this topic and I starting to have the suspicion that its not possible. 我浏览了《手册》,但找不到关于该主题的任何内容,我开始怀疑它是不可能的。

Being a network simulation framework INET is mostly dealing with network communication only, however there are some areas which are related to this and handled also by INET (node mobility, battery consumption etc.) 作为一个网络仿真框架,INET主要只处理网络通信,但是有一些与此相关并由INET处理的领域(节点移动性,电池消耗等)。

On the other hand, it is totally possible to create a model where various sensors (that are actually 'applications' in the OSI stack) communicate with a central component that represents the environment. 另一方面,完全有可能创建一个模型,其中各种传感器(实际上是OSI堆栈中的“应用程序”)与代表环境的中央组件进行通信。 That central environment component could send various events to the sensors that contain physical values. 该中央环境组件可以将各种事件发送到包含物理值的传感器。 The sensor app would receive that (ie measure the value) and translate that into network call. 传感器应用程序将接收到该值(即测量值)并将其转换为网络呼叫。

This is very similar how the wireless communication is modeled where there is a central component representing the electromagnetic spectrum and that component directly passes reception events to the nodes (taking into account the node position). 这与在存在代表电磁频谱的中央组件并且该组件将接收事件直接传递到节点(考虑节点位置)的情况下对无线通信进行建模的方式非常相似。

Long story short. 长话短说。 It is possible, but there is nothing currently in INET that does that. 有可能,但是INET当前没有任何功能可以做到这一点。 You have to write your own code. 您必须编写自己的代码。

ps: If your requirement is just to occasionally change a value at given time, then I would take a look at the ScenarioManager component. ps:如果您的要求只是在给定时间偶尔更改某个值,那么我来看看ScenarioManager组件。 That allows you to create a file in advance which encodes various parameter values for various modules at specific times. 这样,您可以预先创建一个文件,该文件在特定时间编码各种模块的各种参数值。 Parameter changes can be detected by the module. 模块可以检测到参数更改。 This is quite limited however, so you probably need to write your own model. 但是,这非常有限,因此您可能需要编写自己的模型。 It really depends how you want to describe the environment. 这实际上取决于您要如何描述环境。

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