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如何监控乘客/ mod_rails流程?

[英]How to monitor passenger / mod_rails processes?

I searched the site already but couldn't find any suitable information. 我已经搜索过该网站,但找不到任何合适的信息。 As there is always some expert around I'm sure one of guys knows exactly what I'm searching for :-) 由于周围总有一些专家,我敢肯定其中一个人确切地知道我在寻找什么:-)

We're on a balanced system: 我们是一个平衡的系统:

Machine 1:     HAProxy load balancer
Machine 2 & 3: Apache mod_rails and (of course) our Rails applications

Those were the days when we were able to monitor all Mongrel processes using monit (or other monitoring tools). 那些是我们能够使用monit(或其他监控工具)监控所有Mongrel流程的日子。

Is there any way to do an easy and clever monitoring of passenger processes with monit (or other tools), too? 有没有办法用monit(或其他工具)轻松,巧妙地监控乘客流程? How can I dynamically get all pids of the running processes and pass them to monitoring? 如何动态获取正在运行的进程的所有pid并将其传递给监视?

Matt 马特

我制作了一个插件,让Monit可以监控乘客流程: https//github.com/romanbsd/passenger_monit

There are various options available. 有各种选择。 Here are some of them: 这里是其中的一些:

Its a little ghetto but run these commands 它有点贫民窟,但运行这些命令
watch passenger-status 观察乘客身份
watch passenger-memory-stats 观看乘客记忆统计

then install and run htop 然后安装并运行htop

I did a quick search and I think I found the thing your looking for. 我做了一个快速搜索,我想我找到了你想要的东西。 He uses a script which runs off "passenger-status" as John Topley said. 正如约翰·托普利所说,他使用的剧本是“乘客身份”。 http://blog.slowb.ro/2013/06/18/add-passenger-status-to-monitoring-on-zenoss/ http://blog.slowb.ro/2013/06/18/add-passenger-status-to-monitoring-on-zenoss/

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