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How to monitor passenger / mod_rails processes?

I searched the site already but couldn't find any suitable information. As there is always some expert around I'm sure one of guys knows exactly what I'm searching for :-)

We're on a balanced system:

Machine 1:     HAProxy load balancer
Machine 2 & 3: Apache mod_rails and (of course) our Rails applications

Those were the days when we were able to monitor all Mongrel processes using monit (or other monitoring tools).

Is there any way to do an easy and clever monitoring of passenger processes with monit (or other tools), too? How can I dynamically get all pids of the running processes and pass them to monitoring?


我制作了一个插件,让Monit可以监控乘客流程: https//github.com/romanbsd/passenger_monit

There are various options available. Here are some of them:

Its a little ghetto but run these commands
watch passenger-status
watch passenger-memory-stats

then install and run htop

I did a quick search and I think I found the thing your looking for. He uses a script which runs off "passenger-status" as John Topley said. http://blog.slowb.ro/2013/06/18/add-passenger-status-to-monitoring-on-zenoss/

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