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如何使用Microsoft Graph API按通讯组列表电子邮件过滤组?

[英]How to filter Groups by Distribution List Email using Microsoft Graph API?

I'm trying to run a query that pulls back any groups that match the given email. 我正在尝试运行一个查询,该查询将拉回与给定电子邮件匹配的所有组。

This will be ultimately used to expand a DL's members given an email. 给定电子邮件后,这将最终用于扩展DL的成员。

var emailAddress = "test@email.com"
GraphServiceClient graphClient = new GraphServiceClient(authProvider);

var group = await graphClient

I expect that the query will run without error on the filter and either return a group with said email or if none are found use the default behavior of the api. 我希望查询在过滤器上运行时不会出现错误,并返回包含上述电子邮件的组,或者如果找不到该组,则使用api的默认行为。

However, it currently breaks on the filter query. 但是,它当前在过滤器查询上中断。

I guess you are getting Invalid filter clause exception, emailAddress value in filter expression needs to be enclosed in single quotes like this: 我猜您正在收到Invalid filter clause异常, 过滤器表达式中的 emailAddress值需要用单引号引起来,如下所示:

 var groups = await graphClient

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