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如何使用 Microsoft Graph API 获取所有组的用户名?

[英]How to get user names of all groups using Microsoft Graph API?

I want to read all member names of all groups using Graph API我想使用 Graph API 读取所有组的所有成员名称

My Method我的方法

var unternehmen = await graphManager

foreach (var gruppe in unternehmen)
    Debug.Log("  " + gruppe.Id + " " + gruppe.DisplayName);

    foreach (var member in gruppe.Members)


Only Member ID's and all Group Names只有成员 ID 和所有组名

What I need is all names of all groups.我需要的是所有组的所有名称。 How can I get those?我怎样才能得到那些?

You need to caste the members to Microsoft.Graph.User first because not all members are users.您需要先将成员强制转换为Microsoft.Graph.User ,因为并非所有成员都是用户。

GET https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups/{id}/members/microsoft.graph.user

C# code: C# 代码:

var groups = await graphClient.Groups

foreach (var gruppe in groups)
    Console.WriteLine($"{gruppe.Id}, {gruppe.DisplayName}");

    // another method to get members
    // var members = await graphClient.Groups[gruppe.Id].Members.Request().GetAsync();
    var members = gruppe.Members;
    var userMembers = members.Where(m => m.ODataType == "#microsoft.graph.user").Cast<User>();
    foreach (User user in userMembers)
        Console.WriteLine($"{user.Id}, {user.DisplayName}");



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