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仅使用 Microsoft Graph 获取根组

[英]Get root groups only using Microsoft Graph

We have a massive Azure AD and we want to present its graph using the Microsoft Graph API.我们有一个庞大的 Azure AD,我们想使用 Microsoft Graph API 来展示它的图表。

Calling https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups will bring the first page (100) of all groups and iterating over all the pages takes time.调用https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/groups将带来所有组的第一页 (100) 并且遍历所有页面需要时间。 However, we only care about the root group (parentless).然而,我们只关心根组(parentless)。

Is there any way to get the root\\parentless groups from the Graph API without iterating over all the groups and check for (the absence of) parents?有没有办法从 Graph API 获取 root\\parentless 组,而无需遍历所有组并检查(缺少)父母?

According to some test, I'm afraid there is no filter which may help you implement this requirement.根据一些测试,恐怕没有可以帮助您实现此要求的过滤器。 Graph api can just do as you mentioned to list all of the groups. Graph api 可以像您提到的那样列出所有组。

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