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如何获取用户的组名是使用 Microsoft Graph API 的成员?

[英]How to get group names of the user is a member of using Microsoft Graph API?

I want to know the list of groups the user is a member of in AAD.我想知道用户在 AAD 中所属的组列表。 Based on the membership of the group they can do another function. To achieve this I used the MS Graph API, but I get only group Ids, not the group names.根据组的成员身份,他们可以做另一个 function。为此,我使用了 MS Graph API,但我只获得组 ID,而不是组名称。 I used the following two ways using graph API. The first method used,我使用图 API 使用了以下两种方法。第一种方法使用,

await  graphClient.Users[upn].GetMemberGroups(false).Request().PostAsync()


[ "fee2c45b-915a-4a64-b130-f4eb9e75525e", "4fe90ae7-065a-478b-9400-e0a0e1cbd540", "e0c3beaf-eeb4-43d8-abc5-94f037a65697" ]

The second method used,使用的第二种方法,

await  graphClient.Users[upn].MemberOf.Request().GetAsync();


        "deletedDateTime": null,
        "id": "1c4934554-5006-403a-bf4f-bsdfeerwfs6fe6f",
        "oDataType": "#microsoft.graph.group",
        "additionalData": {
            "creationOptions": [],
            "isAssignableToRole": null,
            "resourceBehaviorOptions": [],
            "resourceProvisioningOptions": []
        "deletedDateTime": null,
        "id": "f8975c2f-7651d-4f3a-1234-4ec3808a0ac2",
        "oDataType": "#microsoft.graph.group",
        "additionalData": {
            "creationOptions": [
            "isAssignableToRole": null,
            "resourceBehaviorOptions": [],
            "resourceProvisioningOptions": [

What I need is along with the group name and group ID.我需要的是组名和组 ID。 How do I get both together in an efficient way?我如何以有效的方式将两者结合在一起? Or are there any other method which i can try for this purpose?或者还有其他方法可以尝试吗?

For me the following works for getting group names:对我来说,以下是获取组名的方法:

var page = await graphClient

var names = new List<string>();
        .Select(x => x.DisplayName)
        .Where(name => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)));
while (page.NextPageRequest != null)
    page = await page.NextPageRequest.GetAsync();
        .Select(x => x.DisplayName)
        .Where(name => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)));

return names;

There should be a DisplayName/displayName in the response for groups.组的响应中应该有一个 DisplayName/displayName。

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