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[英]VBA: How to delete a column based on the adjacent cell containing certain characters?

I'm trying to write a VBA code to search a series of column headers for any string that contains "_STD" (there are multiple of these, and not always in the same spot on the worksheets). 我正在尝试编写VBA代码,以搜索一系列列标题,以查找包含“ _STD”的任何字符串(它们有多个,但并不总是在工作表上的同一位置)。 If that substring exists, I want to delete the entire column BEFORE it (OR replace the values in the adjacent column with the "_STD" column values), and then remove "_STD" from the header. 如果该子字符串存在,则我想删除它之前的整个列(或用“ _STD”列值替换相邻列中的值),然后从标题中删除“ _STD”。

Not sure the code for "contains", but I thought I could do something like: 不确定“包含”的代码,但我认为我可以做类似的事情:

If cell.Value = "_STD" Then cell.EntireColumn.delete(xlToRight)

Data example included in the link below: 以下链接中包含的数据示例:


Thank you! 谢谢!

You can use Like and Offset 您可以使用“ Like和“ Offset

If cell.Value Like "*_STD" Then 
End If
  1. You can use LIKE but if _STD can be case insensitive for example _Std, _std etc then I recommend using INSTR with vbTextCompare as a parameter 您可以使用LIKE但是如果_STD不区分大小写,例如_Std, _std等,那么我建议将INSTRvbTextCompare用作参数
  2. Here is one way to do it. 这是一种方法。 Delete All columns which DO NOT have _STD and then bulk replace _STD in the header in the relevant row. 删除所有具有_STD列,然后在相关行的标题中批量替换_STD

For example 例如

'~~> You can reverse loop and delete columns which DO NOT have _STD
If InStr(1, cell.Value, "_STD", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then cell.EntireColumn.Delete

And use this code to bulk replace. 并使用此代码进行批量替换。 I am assuming that the headers are in row 1. Change as applicable. 我假设标题在第1行中。请进行适当的更改。

.Rows(1).Replace What:="_STD", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlPart, _
                 SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, _
                 SearchFormat:=False, ReplaceFormat:=False

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