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[英]Delete rows based off adjacent cell value- VBA

I'm having trouble with this bit of code to delete rows that don't represent an actual minimum. 我在这段代码上遇到麻烦,无法删除不代表实际最小值的行。 It simply does not work, I have hand verified the logic. 它根本行不通,我已经手工验证了逻辑。 What I'm trying to check is if the value of the cell in row 1, column 2 is greater than row 2, column 2. and if that is the case, then delete row 1 entirely. 我要检查的是,第1行,第2列中的单元格的值是否大于第2行,第2列。如果是这种情况,请完全删除第1行。 I have found examples where they loop similarly to this, but look for a certain string value rather than compare the cells value with a logic statement. 我发现了一些示例,它们的循环与此类似,但它们查找某个字符串值,而不是将单元格值与逻辑语句进行比较。 I have done a check to make sure it is referencing the correct worksheet and that I understand how the delete function works. 我已经进行了检查,以确保它引用了正确的工作表,并且我了解删除功能的工作原理。 I have also tested the code with LRow + 1 instead of LRow - 1 . 我还用LRow + 1而不是LRow - 1测试了代码。 What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Sub rowdelete()
Dim LRow As Long
With Worksheets("WWOutput")
        For LRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp) To Cells(7, 2) Step -1
            If Cells(LRow, 2) > Cells(LRow - 1, 2) And Cells(LRow, 2) < 10000 Then
    End If
 Next LRow
End With
End Sub

Here is some sample data. 这是一些示例数据。


In this case all I want to be left for data is 在这种情况下,我只想保留数据


Thank you ahead of time! 提前谢谢你!

Like they said... 就像他们说的...

Sub rowdelete()
    Dim LRow As Long
    With Worksheets("Sheet1")
        For LRow = .Cells(Rows.Count, 2).End(xlUp).Row To Cells(7, 2).Row Step -1
            If .Cells(LRow, 2) > .Cells(LRow - 1, 2) And (.Cells(LRow, 2) < 10000) Then
            End If
        Next LRow
    End With
End Sub

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