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VBA switch 语句(或字典)根据第一个字符填充相邻单元格中的值

[英]VBA switch statement (or dictionary) to populate a value in an adjacent cell based off first character

I've been trying to piece together several different suggestions to achieve my desired result but I keep coming up with inconsistent results.我一直在尝试拼凑几个不同的建议来达到我想要的结果,但我一直想出不一致的结果。

The workbook I am creating automatically pulls in specific values from other.xls files into column B. In the excel example it pulls in the K221RTA11,K221RTA12, K221RTA13, etc... Column B changes depending on the file imported for use but the common factor is that the values in range B12 through B60 will begin with "L", "B", "Y", "Z", "E", "T", or "A".我正在创建的工作簿自动将 other.xls 文件中的特定值拉入 B 列。在 excel 示例中,它拉入 K221RTA11、K221RTA12、K221RTA13 等。因素是 B12 到 B60 范围内的值将以“L”、“B”、“Y”、“Z”、“E”、“T”或“A”开头。 In the A12-A60 range next to the imported values, I would like for the cells to auto-populate a specific string value based solely on the beginning most letter of the adjacent value in column B.在导入值旁边的 A12-A60 范围内,我希望单元格仅根据 B 列中相邻值的最开头字母自动填充特定的字符串值。

I've tried using super long nested if statements in the formula bar and it works to an extent but is not scalable for more universal use and is incredibly unwieldy.我已经尝试在公式栏中使用超长嵌套 if 语句,它在一定程度上有效,但不可扩展以供更普遍使用,而且非常笨拙。 I'd like for VBA to listen to the B column assignment and transpose to column A.我想让 VBA 听 B 列分配并转置到 A 列。

I've updated my code to use VLOOKUP but am not seeing anything populate in the A column.我已更新我的代码以使用 VLOOKUP,但在 A 列中没有看到任何内容。 It's probably that I'm using it incorrectly.可能是我使用不正确。

Private Sub PopulateTech()

With ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("iNTP")

.Range("B12:B60").Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Array("L", "Z", "B", "D", "F", "E", "T", "A"))
.Range("A12:A60").Value = WorksheetFunction.Transpose(Array("Phone", "Computer", "Keyboard", "Light", "Speaker", "Tablet", "Router", "Switch"))

End With

End Sub

Sub TechVLookup()
Dim tech As String
Set rg = shData.Range("B12:B60")

tech = Left(Application.VLookup("L", rg, 2, False), 1)

Debug.Print tech

End Sub



VBA Application.Match VBA Application.Match

Option Explicit

Sub TechMatch()
    Const lChars  As String = "L,Z,B,D,F,E,T,A"
    Const lTechs As String _
        = "Phone,Computer,Keyboard,Light,Speaker,Tablet,Router,Switch"
    Dim Chars() As String: Chars = Split(lChars, ",")
    Dim Techs() As String: Techs = Split(lTechs, ",")
    Dim Data As Variant
    Data = shData.Range("B12:B60").Value
    Dim cChar As String
    Dim cMatch As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    For i = 1 To UBound(Data)
        cChar = Left(Data(i, 1), 1)
        cMatch = Application.Match(cChar, Chars, 0)
        If IsNumeric(cMatch) Then
            Data(i, 1) = Techs(cMatch - 1) ' - 1 because 0 based.
            Data(i, 1) = Empty
        End If
    Next i
    shData.Range("A12:A60").Value = Data

End Sub

Achieved the desired result using formula approach:使用公式方法达到了预期的结果:

=INDEX(Sheet1:B2,$B$11:MATCH(LEFT(B12,$B$60,1):Sheet1,$A$2:$A$11,0)) =INDEX(Sheet1:B2,$B$11:MATCH(左(B12,$B$60,1):Sheet1,$A$2:$A$11,0))

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