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[英]I want to generate a hash for a given video, in a react native app

I have a video file which has been recorded from the React-native App .我有一个从React-native App录制的video文件。 Now I want to generate a digital signature, or a hash for this video file, and associate it to the blockchain.现在我想为这个video文件生成一个数字签名或哈希值,并将其关联到区块链。 Is there any way I can create a hash for the video file in the React-native App ?有什么方法可以为React-native Appvideo文件创建哈希?

You can use rnfs to hash files directly from storage.您可以使用rnfs直接从存储中散列文件。

You also can use a small package i wrote, react-native-hash , to hash directly from a URL, File or strings, how ever, it only works on Android for now.您也可以使用我编写的一个小包react-native-hash直接从 URL、文件或字符串进行哈希处理,但是,它目前仅适用于 Android。

You can use react-native-fetch-blob and js-sha3 module你可以使用react-native-fetch-blobjs-sha3模块

After encoding your video file to base64 , you can encrypt the base64 value using the hash module.将视频文件编码为base64 ,您可以使用hash模块加密base64值。

import RNFetchBlob from 'react-native-fetch-blob'
sha3_256 = require('js-sha3').sha3_256;

let data = ''
let hashdata = '';
    // file path
    // encoding, should be one of `base64`, `utf8`, `ascii`
    // (optional) buffer size, default to 4096 (4095 for BASE64 encoded data)
    // when reading file in BASE64 encoding, buffer size must be multiples of 3.
.then((ifstream) => {
    ifstream.onData((chunk) => {
      // when encoding is `ascii`, chunk will be an array contains numbers
      // otherwise it will be a string
      data += chunk
    ifstream.onError((err) => {
      console.log('oops', err)
    ifstream.onEnd(() => {  
     hashdata = sha3_256(data); // Convert Data to Hash Value

If use Expo如果使用世博会

import * as DocumentPicker from 'expo-document-picker';
import * as FileSystem from 'expo-file-system';
sha3_256 = require('js-sha3').sha3_256;
const response: IDocumentPickerResponse = await DocumentPicker.getDocumentAsync({
    copyToCacheDirectory: false,
    type: '*/*',
const file: string = await FileSystem.readAsStringAsync(
        encoding: FileSystem.EncodingTypes.Base64,
const hashdata = sha3_256(file); // Convert Data to Hash Value

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