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[英]Matplotlib - how to underline the x-axis ticklabels?

I was trying to underline xticklabels using plot.rc but 我试图使用plot.rc下划线,但是

plt.rc('text', usetex=True)
xtext = plt.xticks()
xtext[0] = tuple(r'\underline{}'.format(x) for x in xtext[0])

But the above code gives me an error `'tuple' object does not support item assignment' 但是上面的代码给我一个错误的“'元组'对象不支持项目分配”

Same error with: 同样的错误:

xtext[1] = plt.text(0,0,r'\underline254')

Here, xtext[0] is an ndarray of x-axis label values and xtext[1] is an silent_list of Text xticklabel objects 这里, xtext[0]是一个ndarrayx-axis label valuesxtext[1]是一种silent_listText xticklabel objects

How can I underline the xtick labels? 如何在xtick标签上加下划线?

Consider the following solution. 考虑以下解决方案。 Here I am creating a new list of modified tick labels with underscores. 在这里,我正在创建带下划线的修改后的刻度标签的新列表。 Then I assign them as the new tick labels using the axis object ax and set_xticklabels . 然后,使用轴对象axset_xticklabels将它们分配为新的刻度标签。 I have replaced the format with the old style of string formatting using % as for some reason, the format method underlines only the first character. 由于某种原因,我已将format替换为使用%的旧format字符串格式化,因为format方法仅在第一个字符下划线。

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import rc
rc('text', usetex=True)

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
xtext = plt.xticks()

xtext_new = [r'\underline{%s}' %x for x in xtext[0]]


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