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[英]Unity get corners of GameObject

I am using .GetWorldCorners to find the top right and the bottom left of palmtree images. 我正在使用.GetWorldCorners查找.GetWorldCorners图像的右上角和左下角。 However the values I get returned are different to the actual corners. 但是,我得到的值与实际角点不同。 Also when I move the Image the corners change position away from the Image rather than move exactly with it. 同样,当我移动Image ,拐角也会从Image移开位置,而不是与Image精确移动。 I have tried the transform.postion with same issue. 我已经尝试了transform.postion的相同问题。

private void OnDrawGizmos()
    Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];

    var bottomLeft = corners[0];
    var topRight = corners[2];

    Gizmos.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 0.5f);
    Gizmos.DrawCube(topRight, bottomLeft);
    //Gizmos.DrawCube(new Vector2(this.transform.position.x - 0.5f, this.transform.position.y + 0.5f), new Vector2(this.transform.position.x + 0.5f, this.transform.position.y - 0.5f));


You are providing wrong input to Gizmos.DrawCube , it expects center as first and size as second arguement. 您向Gizmos.DrawCube提供了错误的输入,它期望居中为第一,而大小为第二。 So the correct code is: 因此正确的代码是:

private void OnDrawGizmos()
    Vector3[] corners = new Vector3[4];

    var center = (corners[0] + corners[2]) / 2;
    var size = corners[2]- corners[0];

    Gizmos.color = new Color(0, 1, 0, 0.5f);
    Gizmos.DrawCube(center, size);

From the Docs : public static void DrawCube(Vector3 center, Vector3 size); 文档开始public static void DrawCube(Vector3 center, Vector3 size);

You seem to be drawing your cube with it's centre positioned at the top right of your Image, with a size equal to the Image's bottom left corner position. 您似乎在绘制立方体,其中心位于图像的右上角,大小等于图像的左下角位置。

Instead, try 相反,尝试

Vector3 size = topRight - bottomLeft;
Gizmos.DrawCube(bottomLeft + size * 0.5f, size);

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