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浏览器中的 Javascript Memoization 没有看到加速

[英]Javascript Memoization in Browser Not Seeing Speed Up

I am attempting to memoize a function in javascript, to be run in browser, client side.我试图在 javascript 中记住一个函数,以便在浏览器、客户端中运行。 Writing this function in R (the language I am most comfortable using).用 R(我最习惯使用的语言)编写这个函数。 In R, I see significant benefits from using memoization (4 minutes run time to 0.02 seconds for P_n(7/10, 20, 15, 6, 1) ).在 R 中,我看到使用记忆化的显着好处(P_n(7/10, 20, 15, 6, 1) 的运行时间为 4 分钟到 0.02 秒)。 When I rewrite the function in javascript, I see almost no benefit.当我用 javascript 重写函数时,我几乎看不到任何好处。 What is the problem with my javascript code (or am I going about this the wrong way entirely)?我的 javascript 代码有什么问题(或者我完全以错误的方式解决这个问题)?

Below are the memoized functions in R and javascript respectively.下面分别是 R 和 javascript 中的记忆函数。 The R function (first of the two) runs very fast compared to the naive recursion, while javascript essentially sees no difference.与朴素递归相比,R 函数(两者中的第一个)运行得非常快,而 javascript 基本上没有区别。 Some amount of memoization is happening, however, because if I run the exact same function call twice, ie P_memo(7/10, 20, 15, 6, 1) and then P_memo(7/10, 20, 15, 6, 1) again, the second call takes 0 time.然而,一些记忆正在发生,因为如果我运行完全相同的函数调用两次,即 P_memo(7/10, 20, 15, 6, 1) 然后 P_memo(7/10, 20, 15, 6, 1 ) 再次,第二次调用需要 0 时间。 The first call should be dramatically quicker due to re-use of intermediate calls in the recursion.由于在递归中重复使用中间调用,第一次调用应该快得多。

P_n <- (function() {

  # Memoization handled through the use of cache

  cache <- NULL

  cache_reset <- function() {
    cache <<- new.env(TRUE, emptyenv())

  cache_set <- function(key, value) {
    assign(key, value, envir = cache)

  cache_get <- function(key) {
    get(key, envir = cache, inherits = FALSE)

  cache_has_key <- function(key) {
    exists(key, envir = cache, inherits = FALSE)

  # Initialize the cache

  # This is the function that gets returned by the anonymous function and
  # becomes P_n
  function(rho, n, i, k, s) {
    nc <- paste(rho, n, i, k, s)

    # Handle "vectors" by element
    if(length(n) > 1){
      return(lapply(n, function(n) sapply(n, P_n, rho = rho, i = 1:(n+k), k = k, s = s)))  
    if (length(i) > 1) {
      return(sapply(i, P_n, rho = rho, n = n, k = k, s = s))

    # Cached cases
    if (cache_has_key(nc)) 

    # Everything else

    #proposition 1
    if(i == (n+k)){
      #print('Proposition 1')
      if(k >= s){
        return((rho / (rho + 1))^n)
      }else if( (k+n) <= s){
        product_iter = 1
        for(j in 1:n){
          product_iter = product_iter * ( rho + (k + j - 1)/s )
        out = rho^n / product_iter
        cache_set(nc, out)
      }else if( k < s & s < (k + n)){
        product_iter2 = 1
        for(j in 1:(s-k)){
          product_iter2 = product_iter2 * ( rho + (k + j - 1)/s )
        product_denom = ((rho + 1)^(n-s+k)) * product_iter2
        out = rho^n / product_denom
        cache_set(nc, out)
    #proposition 2
    else if(k == 0 & n == i){
      #print('Proposition 2')
      if(n <= s){
        product_iter11 = 1
        for(j in 1:n){
          product_iter11 = product_iter11 * (rho + (j - 1)/s)
        return(rho^n / product_iter11)
      }else if(n > s){
        product_iter12 = 1
        for(j in 1:s){
          product_iter12 = product_iter12 * ( rho + (j - 1)/s )
        product_denom12 = ((rho + 1)^(n-s)) * product_iter12
        out = rho^n / product_denom12
        cache_set(nc, out)
    #if i = 1
    else if(i == 1){
      upsum = 0
      for(j in 2:(n + k)){
        upsum = upsum + P_n(rho, n, j, k, s)
      out = 1 - upsum
      cache_set(nc, out)
    #proposition 3
    else if(n == 1 & 2 <= i & i <= k){
      #print('Proposition 3')
      if(k <= s){
        begin = rho / (rho + (i - 1)/s)

        product_iter13 = 1
        for(j in 1:(k-i+1)){
          product_iter13 = product_iter13 * (1 - rho / (rho + (k - j + 1)/s) )
        out = begin * product_iter13
        cache_set(nc, out)
      }else if(k > s & i > s){
        out = rho / (rho+1)^(k-i+2)
        cache_set(nc, out)
      }else if(i <= s & s <= k){

        begin2 = rho / (( rho + 1 )^(k - s + 1) * ( rho + (i - 1)/s))

        product_iter14 = 1
        for(j in 1:(s-i)){
          product_iter14 = product_iter14 * (1 - rho / (rho + (s - j)/s) )
        out = begin2 * product_iter14
        cache_set(nc, out)

    #proposition 4
    else if( n >= 2 & 2 <= i & i <= (k + n - 1)){
      #print('Proposition 4')
        begin11 = rho/(rho+1)

        product_iter21 = 0
        for(j in (i-1):(k+n-1)){
          product_iter21 = product_iter21 + (1 / (rho+1))^(j-i+1) * P_n(rho, n-1, j, k, s)
        out = begin11 * product_iter21
        cache_set(nc, out)
      }else if(i <= s){

        begin12 = rho / (rho + (i-1)/s)
        summer1 = 0
        for(j in (i-1):(s-1)){

          product_iter22 = 1
          for(h in 1:(j-i+1)){
            product_iter22 = product_iter22 * (1 - rho / (rho + (j - h + 1) / s))
          summer1 = summer1 + product_iter22 * P_n(rho, n-1, j, k, s)

        product_iter23 = 1
        for(h in 1:(s-i)){
          product_iter23 = product_iter23 * (1 - rho / (rho + (s-h) / s))

        summer2 = 0
        for(j in s:(k+n-1)){
          summer2 = summer2 + ((1 / (rho + 1))^(j-s+1) * P_n(rho, n-1, j, k, s)) 

        bottom = product_iter23 * summer2
        inner = summer1 + bottom
        out = begin12 * inner
        cache_set(nc, out)
    #check if missed all propositions
      stop("No proposition detected")


var P_memo = (function() {
    var memo = {};
    var slice = Array.prototype.slice;

    function f(rho, n, i, k, s){
        var args = slice.call(arguments);
        var value;
        if (args in memo) {
            //rho: ratio of lambda / tau
            // n: arrival of nth customer
            // i: are i customers in queue
            // k : number of customers at t = 0
            // s: machines in use

            //proposition 1
            if(i == (n+k)){
                //print('Proposition 1')
                if(k >= s){
                    return(Math.pow(rho / (rho + 1), n));
                }else if( (k+n) <= s){
                    var product_iter = 1;
                    for(var j=1; j<= n; j++){
                        product_iter = product_iter * ( rho + (k + j - 1)/s );
                    return(Math.pow(rho, n) / product_iter);
                }else if( k < s && s < (k + n)){
                    var product_iter2 = 1;
                    for(var j=1; j<= s-k; j++){
                        product_iter2 = product_iter2 * ( rho + (k + j - 1)/s );
                    product_denom = Math.pow((rho + 1), (n-s+k)) * product_iter2;
                    return(Math.pow(rho, n) / product_denom);
            //proposition 2
            else if(k == 0 && n == i){
                if(n <= s){
                    var product_iter11 = 1;
                    for(var j=1; j<= n; j++){
                        product_iter11 = product_iter11 * (rho + (j - 1)/s);
                    return(Math.pow(rho, n) / product_iter11);
                }else if(n > s){
                    var product_iter12 = 1;
                    for(var j=1; j<= s; j++){
                        product_iter12 = product_iter12 * ( rho + (j - 1)/s );
                    product_denom12 = Math.pow((rho + 1), (n-s)) * product_iter12;
                    return(Math.pow(rho, n) / product_denom12);
            //if i = 1
            else if(i == 1){
                var upsum = 0;
                for(var j=2; j<= (n+k); j++){
                    upsum = upsum + f(rho, n, j, k, s);
                return(1 - upsum);
            //proposition 3
            else if(n == 1 && 2 <= i && i <= k){
                if(k <= s){
                    begin = rho / (rho + (i - 1)/s);

                    var product_iter13 = 1;
                    for(var j=1; j<= (k-i+1); j++){
                        product_iter13 = product_iter13 * (1 - rho / (rho + (k - j + 1)/s) );
                    return(begin * product_iter13);
                }else if(k > s && i > s){
                    return(rho / Math.pow((rho+1), (k-i+2)));
                }else if(i <= s && s <= k){

                    begin2 = rho / (Math.pow( (rho + 1), (k - s + 1)) * ( rho + (i - 1)/s));

                    var product_iter14 = 1;
                    for(var j=1; j<= (s-i); j++){
                        product_iter14 = product_iter14 * (1 - rho / (rho + (s - j)/s) );
                    return(begin2 * product_iter14);

            //proposition 4
            else if( n >= 2 && 2 <= i && i <= (k + n - 1)){
                    begin11 = rho/(rho+1);

                    var product_iter21 = 0;
                    for(var j=(i-1); j<= (k+n-1); j++){
                        product_iter21 = product_iter21 + Math.pow((1 / (rho+1)),(j-i+1)) * f(rho, n-1, j, k, s);
                    return(begin11 * product_iter21);
                }else if(i <= s){

                    begin12 = rho / (rho + (i-1)/s);
                    var summer1 = 0;
                    for(var j=(i-1); j<= (s-1); j++){

                        var product_iter22 = 1;
                        for(var h=1; h<=(j-1+1); h++){
                            product_iter22 = product_iter22 * (1 - rho / (rho + (j - h + 1) / s));
                        summer1 = summer1 + product_iter22 * f(rho, n-1, j, k, s);

                    var product_iter23 = 1;
                    for(var h=1; h<=(s-i); h++){
                        product_iter23 = product_iter23 * (1 - rho / (rho + (s-h) / s));

                    var summer2 = 0;
                    for(var j=s; j<= (k+n-1); j++){
                        summer2 = summer2 + (Math.pow((1 / (rho + 1)), (j-s+1)) * f(rho, n-1, j, k, s)) ;

                    bottom = product_iter23 * summer2;
                    inner = summer1 + bottom;
                    return(begin12 * inner);

    //Closure of f(), self-executing anonymous function
    return f;

Your memoization has two flaws:你的记忆有两个缺陷:

(1) You never add results to memo . (1) 你从不向memo添加结果。

(2) args in memo casts args to a string. (2) args in memo argsargs转换为字符串。 That will work for an array of numbers, but it might fail for other inputs.这将适用于一组数字,但对于其他输入可能会失败。

I'd write a generic version of memo like this:我会像这样写一个通用版本的memo

  const memo = fn => {
    const cache = {};
    return (...args) => {
      const key = JSON.stringify(args);
      if(key in memo) return memo[key];
      return memo[key] = fn(...args);

  const memoizedF = memo(f);

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