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[英]JavaScript browser parsing speed testing

I'm looking into the speed of JavaScript parsers in web browsers, importantly it needs to be easy to demonstrate.我正在研究 Web 浏览器中 JavaScript 解析器的速度,重要的是它需要易于演示。 I came up with a simple test - the idea being that each script block is parsed and executed individually, so a large block of script could be timed:我想出了一个简单的测试 - 想法是每个脚本块都被单独解析和执行,因此可以对一大块脚本进行计时:

<script>var start = new Date().getTime();</script>

    /*! jQuery v1.8.2 jquery.com | jquery.org/license */

<script>alert ( new Date().getTime() - start );</script>

Superficially this appears to work, removing the middle script block will result in a negligible time.从表面上看这似乎可行,删除中间的脚本块将导致可以忽略不计的时间。

However I'm not certain that my logic is not fundamentally flawed.但是,我不确定我的逻辑是否存在根本性缺陷。

It seems the answer is broadly yes, but to get a reasonable result (like anything else) the test should be run many times to level out the effects of compilation caching and garbage collection. 答案似乎大致上是肯定的,但是要获得合理的结果(如其他任何结果),应该多次运行测试以使编译缓存和垃圾回收的效果趋于平衡。 The test above can easily be placed into the Parse-n-Load library: http://carlos.bueno.org/2010/02/measuring-javascript-parse-and-load.html 上面的测试可以轻松地放入Parse-n-Load库中: http : //carlos.bueno.org/2010/02/measuring-javascript-parse-and-load.html

Thanks for your help 谢谢你的帮助

This may be of help! 这可能会有帮助!

var start = new Date().getTime();
var end = new Date().getTime();
var time = end - start;
alert('Execution time: ' + time);

If you want to benchmark your JavaScript, include MilliSeconds etc. 如果您想对JavaScript进行基准测试,请添加MilliSeconds等。

var t = new Date();
var start = t.getTime()*1000 + t.getMilliseconds();

/* do something*/

var t2 = new Date();
var end = t2.getTime()*1000 + t.getMilliseconds();

alert("The Code needed " + (end-start) + " milliseconds. That are " + parseInt((end-start)/1000) + " seconds.");

You might want to differentiate between parsing and execution time. 您可能需要区分解析时间和执行时间。 You could do something like 你可以做类似的事情

<script>start = Date.now();</script>
    parsed = Date.now();
    /*! jQuery v1.8.2 jquery.com | jquery.org/license */
<script>var end = Date.now();
   alert ( "parsed in " + (parsed - start) + "ms" );
   alert ( "executed in " + (end - parsed) + "ms" );
   alert ( "overall time: " + (end - start) + "ms" );

With that you might be able to detect cached parse trees etc. Yet, for more distinct information have a look at your developer tools, they show such type of information in their profiler section. 这样,您也许可以检测到缓存的解析树等。但是,要了解更多独特的信息,请查看您的开发人员工具,它们会在分析器部分中显示此类信息。 Or in Opera, it's included in the load process of scripts in the network panel. 或者在Opera中,它包含在网络面板中的脚本加载过程中。

This answer is from 10 years in the future.这个答案来自10年后的未来。

There are a number of approaches to timing web page processes including:有许多方法可以对网页进程进行计时,包括:

  1. Date -related methods: Date相关方法:
    • Date.now();


  1. console.time -related methods: console.time相关方法:
    • console.time('myTimer');
    • console.timeLog('myTimer');
    • console.timeEnd('myTimer');

but, since late 2015, the ideal way to time web page processes using high-resolution timestamps has been:但是,自 2015 年底以来,使用高分辨率时间戳为网页进程计时的理想方式是:

  • window.performance.now();

Using Performance :使用Performance

The Performance interface, accessed via window.performance has numerous methods, including:通过window.performance访问的Performance接口有许多方法,包括:

  • timeOrigin
  • mark
  • measure
  • getEntries
  • toJSON

and more.和更多。

But in order to time a script, all you need is window.performance.now() :但是为了给脚本计时,您只需要window.performance.now()

let scriptStart = window.performance.now();
let scriptEnd = window.performance.now();
let scriptDuration = (scriptEnd - scriptStart);

Working Example:工作示例:

 let paragraph = document.querySelector('p'); let button = document.querySelector('button'); const runTimedScript = () => { let scriptStart = window.performance.now(); for (let i = 0; i < 10000; i++) { paragraph.textContent = 'Loop iteration ' + (i + 1); } let scriptEnd = window.performance.now(); let scriptDuration = (scriptEnd - scriptStart); button.textContent = 'Re-run Script'; console.log('The script ran in ' + scriptDuration + ' milliseconds'); } button.addEventListener('click', runTimedScript, false);
 button { cursor: pointer; }
 <p></p> <button type="button">Run Script</button> <p>To see how long the script takes to run,<br /> click the button above repeatedly.</p>

Further Reading:进一步阅读:

To find out more about the Performance Interface, see:要了解有关Performance接口的更多信息,请参阅:

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