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[英]JPA select Query to return Entity with @ManyToOne Mapping

I am a beginner, learning JPA, for practice I was working on this problem where I have two entity classes Person and Gym. 我是一名初学者,正在学习JPA,为了练习,我正在研究这个问题,我有两个实体类Person和Gym。

Person has : - id (auto-generated) - name - age - Gym (Many to One mapping) 人员具有:-id(自动生成)-姓名-年龄-健身房(多对一映射)

Gym has : - id (auto-generated) - name - rating - fee - List of Person (One to Many mapping) 健身房有:-ID(自动生成)-名称-评分-费用-人员列表(一对多映射)

Now, I have my PersonRepository which extends JpaRepository and have this following JPQL query where I am try to retrieve all persons with age < (some user input value) 现在,我有了扩展了JpaRepository的PersonRepository,并执行了以下JPQL查询,在该查询中我尝试检索所有年龄<(某些用户输入值)的人

The problem is the retrieved person list is always empty. 问题是检索到的人员列表始终为空。 I tried used fetch join but still it returns empty list. 我尝试使用提取联接,但仍返回空列表。

What should be the appropriate JPQL query for this scenario ? 对于这种情况,什么是合适的JPQL查询?

Thanks ! 谢谢 ! Balasubramanyam Balasubramanyam

Gym Entity 体育馆

public class Gym {
    private int gym_id;

    private String name;

    private String city;

    private double rating;

    private double fee;

                cascade= {CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST,
                        CascadeType.REFRESH}, fetch=FetchType.EAGER)
    private List<Person> personList;

    public Gym() {

    public Gym(int gym_id, @NotNull String name, @NotNull double rating, @NotNull double fee, List<Person> personList,
            @NotNull String city) {
        this.gym_id = gym_id;
        this.name = name;
        this.rating = rating;
        this.fee = fee;
        this.personList = personList;
        this.city = city;
// getters and setters

Person Entity 人实体

public class Person {
    private int id;

    private String name;

    private int age;

    @ManyToOne (cascade={CascadeType.MERGE, CascadeType.PERSIST,
        CascadeType.REFRESH, CascadeType.DETACH})
    private Gym gym;

    public Person() {

    public Person(int id, @NotNull String name, @NotNull int age, Gym gym) {
        this.id = id;
        this.name = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.gym = gym;
// getters and setters

PersonRepository 人员资料库

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Integer>{

@Query("select p from Person p join fetch p.gym where p.age<=(:age)")
List<Person> filterByAge(@Param("age") int age);

In my service class this is what I am doing 在我的服务班里,这就是我在做什么

List<Person> filteredPersonList = personRepository.filterByAge(age);
System.out.println(filteredPersonList); // prints empty

If you change your repository to this you wont need to construct the query and will work. 如果将存储库更改为此,则无需构造查询即可使用。

public interface PersonRepository extends JpaRepository<Person, Integer>{

     List<Person> findByAgeLessThanEqual(int age);


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