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[英]How to write an array data into excel using java

I have an array of Strings that needs to be inserted into an Excel sheet 我有一个字符串数组,需要将其插入Excel工作表

I tried with the below code snippet, but only the first value is inserting and for the rest, I am getting null in my console. 我尝试使用下面的代码片段,但是只有第一个值正在插入,而其余的则在控制台中为空。

String[] excelData = {"first", "second", "third", "fourth", "fifth"};

int rowStart = 1;

for (int count = 0; count <= excelData.length; count++) {   

    writeExcel(fileName, excelData[count], rowStart, 0);



Added writeExcel code. 添加了writeExcel代码。

public void writeExcel(String excelFile, String userNumber, int rows, int cols) {

       //Create an object of File class to open xlsx file
       File file = new File(excelFile);

       //Create an object of FileInputStream class to read excel file
       FileInputStream inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
       Workbook requestsFile = null;

       //Find the file extension by splitting  file name in substring and getting only extension name
       String fileExtensionName = excelFile.substring(excelFile.indexOf("."));

       //Check condition if the file is xlsx file

           //If it is xlsx file then create object of XSSFWorkbook class
           requestsFile = new XSSFWorkbook(inputStream);

       } else if(fileExtensionName.equals(".xls")){

           //If it is xls file then create object of XSSFWorkbook class
           requestsFile = new HSSFWorkbook(inputStream);
       } else {
            System.out.println("File format is invalid");

       //Read excel sheet by sheet name
       Sheet sheet = requestsFile.getSheetAt(0);

       Cell val1 = sheet.getRow(rows).getCell(cols);

       //Close input stream

       //Create an object of FileOutputStream class to create write data in excel file
       FileOutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(file);

       //write data in the excel file

       //close output stream
       } catch(Exception e){

First of all we all don't know what your function writeExcel do and what parameters accepts , as you havn't post here 首先,我们都不知道您的函数writeExcel是做什么的,哪些参数可以接受,因为您没有在此处发布

taking the example as below of poi: 以poi的示例如下:


in above code, your loop must select one raw and increment the cellNum till you have data in array 在上面的代码中,循环必须选择一个原始数据并递增cellNum直到数组中包含数据

You are getting null because at the line: 您得到null原因是:

Cell val1 = sheet.getRow(rows).getCell(cols);

This is get cell value from your workbook, not create. 这是从您的工作簿中获取单元格值,而不是创建。 The null appear indicate the cell blank, and this causes your code flow to: 出现的null表示单元格为空白,这会使您的代码流达到:

} catch(Exception e){

So please try change this line with: 因此,请尝试通过以下方式更改此行:

Cell val1 = sheet.createRow(rows).createCell(cols);

And change your loop count: 并更改您的循环计数:

count <= excelData.length

It will cause an error out of range like: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5 它将导致错误out of range例如: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 5

Change with: 更改:

count < excelData.length

Hope this helps. 希望这可以帮助。

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