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[英]How read list items in list using linq in C#?

I have the following class 我有以下课程

public class R_ButterFly_Collection
        public Int64? CollectionNameID { get; set; }
        public string CollectionName { get; set; }

I need to read CollectionNameID and CollectionName for given match for collection_name . 我需要为collection_name给定匹配项读取CollectionNameIDCollectionName

This is how I tried for CollectionName : 这是我为CollectionName尝试的方式:

string CollectionName = ButterFlyList.Where(x => x.CollectionName == butterflyName)

But I need CollectionNameID and CollectionName , how could I do that ? 但是我需要CollectionNameIDCollectionName ,该怎么办?

This is what I want : 这就是我要的 :

Int64 CollectionNameID, CollectionName = ButterFlyList.Where(x => x.CollectionName == butterflyName)

Assuming: 假设:

var ButterFlyList = new List<R_ButterFly_Collection>()
                new R_ButterFly_Collection()
                new R_ButterFly_Collection()
                new R_ButterFly_Collection()

Then you can use linq and return tuple result: 然后,您可以使用linq并返回元组结果:

var results = ButterFlyList.Where(x => x.CollectionName == "one").Select(p => new Tuple<long, string>(p.CollectionNameID ?? 0, p.CollectionName));

Note that you need to handle nullable long for CollectionNameID field. 请注意,您需要为CollectionNameID字段处理可为空的long。

您可以使用 :

 List<R_ButterFly_Collection> results = ButterFlyList.Where(x => x.CollectionName == butterflyName).ToList();

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