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如何将项目添加到列表中的列表<ienumerable>使用 C# Linq</ienumerable>

[英]How to add items to a list from List<IEnumerable> using C# Linq

I have a List T, and I have a List of IEnumerable query.我有一个列表 T,还有一个 IEnumerable 查询列表。 I want to add the selection/ all the values of List of IEnumerable to this List T. I tried below but it shows error: Cannot implicitly convert type 'List IEnumerable ' to a generic list Reason.我想将 IEnumerable 列表的选择/所有值添加到此列表 T。我在下面尝试但它显示错误:无法将类型“List IEnumerable”隐式转换为通用列表原因。

I am very new to LINQ, please guide.我对 LINQ 很陌生,请指导。 I tried the following:我尝试了以下内容:

public class Reason
public int ReasonId { get; set; }
public int OrderId { get; set; }

 var newReason = new List<Reason>();

 newReason = reasons?.Select(res => res.Select(re => new Reason()
                        ReasonId  = re.ReasonId,
                        OrderId = re.OrderId,

You are trying to create list of Reason instance by flattening nested reasons list, try SelectMany()您正在尝试通过展平嵌套reasons列表来创建Reason实例列表,请尝试SelectMany()

 newReason = reasons?.SelectMany(re => new Reason()
                        ReasonId  = re.ReasonId,
                        OrderId = re.OrderId,
                    ?? new List<Reason>();

Select() inside Select() will return IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Reason>> , and you need flatten list of Reason class ie List<Reason> so use SelectMany() Select()里面的Select()将返回IEnumerable<IEnumerable<Reason>> ,你需要展平Reason类的列表,即List<Reason>所以使用SelectMany()

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