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[英]How to sort strings containing numbers and letters?

I have a list in the following form: 我有以下形式的清单:

['AK 40', 'AK 35', 'AK 20', '2012',
'2011', '2010', '2009', '2009',
'2007', '2006', '2006', '2005',
'2004', '2003', '2003', '2002']

Those years all represent birthyears and groupings of ages. 这些年份都代表出生年份和年龄组。 What I need is to sort them in the following form: 我需要按以下形式对其进行排序:

['2012', '2011', '2010', ... , '2003', '2002', 'AK 20', 'AK 35', 'AK 40']

Basically, the years should be descending, from the youngest person to the oldest. 基本上,年龄应该从最小的年龄到最大的年龄递减。 But starting from age twenty they need to be treated differently. 但是从20岁开始,他们需要得到不同的对待。

I already tried some lambda functions I found here on stackoverflow, but unfortunately none of them worked for me due to the fact that my list contains only strings and is not mixed with integers. 我已经尝试了一些在stackoverflow上找到的lambda函数,但是不幸的是,由于我的列表仅包含字符串,并且没有与整数混合,因此它们对我都不起作用。

If your strings share the same prefix ( AK in this case), you can use the following lambda function: 如果您的字符串共享相同的前缀(在本例中为AK ),则可以使用以下lambda函数:

sort_func = lambda e : -int(e) if e.isdigit() else int(''.join(filter(str.isdigit, e)))

sorted_list = sorted(l, key = sort_func)

Where l is your initial list, for your example, this outputs: 其中l是您的初始列表,例如,输出:

['2012', '2011', '2010', '2009', '2009', '2007', '2006', '2006', '2005', '2004', '2003', '2003', '2002', 'AK 20', 'AK35', 'AK 40']

The above functions sorts first by the year strings (the - in -len(e) is used to sort them in descending order), then, it sorts the age groups in ascending order by the number after the prefix AK (by filtering out anything that's not a digit from the age groups' strings). 上述功能第一排序在今年字符串(的--len(e)是用于他们降序排序),那么,它由前缀后的数字按升序排序年龄组AK (通过过滤掉任何东西这不是年龄段字符串中的数字)。

seq = ['AK 40', 'AK 35', 'AK 20', '2012', '2011', '2010', '2009', '2009',
       '2007', '2006', '2006', '2005', '2004', '2003', '2003', '2002']

years = [year for year in seq if year.isdigit()]
aks = [ak for ak in seq if not ak.isdigit()]
result = years[::-1] + aks
x = ['AK 40', 'AK 35', 'AK 20', '2012', '2011', '2010', '2009', '2009', '2007', '2006', '2006', '2005', '2004', '2003', '2003', '2002']


sorted_list = sorted(x, key = lambda e : int(e.replace('AK ', '-')), reverse=True)

You can use a simple sort key: 您可以使用一个简单的排序键:

d = ['AK 40', 'AK 35', 'AK 20', '2012', '2011', '2010', '2009', '2009', '2007', '2006', '2006', '2005', '2004', '2003', '2003', '2002']
new_d = sorted(d, key=lambda x:[1, -1][x.isdigit()]*int(x.split()[-1]))

Output: 输出:

['2012', '2011', '2010', '2009', '2009', '2007', '2006', '2006', '2005', '2004', '2003', '2003', '2002', 'AK 20', 'AK 35', 'AK 40']

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