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[英]Global variables in embedded functions

I have the following snippet: 我有以下片段:

def test ():
  num_sum = 0
  def inner_test ():
    global num_sum
    num_sum += 1
return num_sum

When I run test() I get: 当我运行test()时,我得到:

NameError: name 'num_sum' is not defined NameError:名称“ num_sum”未定义

I was expecting that the inner function would change the value of the num_sum variable defined in the outer function. 我期望内部函数会更改外部函数中定义的num_sum变量的值。 Basically, I need a global variable to increment in an inner function which I may call recursively. 基本上,我需要一个全局变量来递增一个内部函数,该函数可以递归调用。

I noticed that this pattern works well with collections (lists, dictionaries) even if I don't define the variable as global (but pass it as a parameter to the inner function). 我注意到,即使我没有将变量定义为全局变量(而是将其作为参数传递给内部函数),该模式也可以很好地用于集合(列表,字典)。

However, with scalar values like int this pattern seems to break. 但是,对于类似int标量值,此模式似乎会中断。 Neither defining the variable as global (as is here) nor passing it as a parameter to the inner function works as intended. 既不将变量定义为全局变量(如此处所示),也没有将其作为参数传递给内部函数都无法按预期工作。 Basically, the scalar variable stays unchanged. 基本上,标量变量保持不变。 What do I need to do to get the desired behaviour with such scalar values? 我需要怎么做才能获得具有这种标量值的预期行为?

you need nonlocal instead of global . 您需要nonlocal而不是global your num_sum is not a global variable (will not be found in globals() ). 您的num_sum不是全局变量(在globals()找不到)。 nonlocal will instruct python not to search for it in the global namespace, but in the nearest namespace. nonlocal会指示python不要在全局名称空间中搜索它,而是在最近的名称空间中搜索。 the order is LEGB: Local, Enclosed, Global, Built-in . 顺序为LEGB:本地,封闭,全局,内置

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