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[英]Cannot create onmouseover attribute of an element by javascript

Tried to add by javascript: 试图通过javascript添加:

 var anc=document.createElement('a')

 function aFunc(b){ a=b/7 }

but cannot give or create any onmouseover attribute of such element 但不能提供或创建此类元素的任何onmouseover属性
How to do so correctly to solve such problem? 如何正确解决此类问题?

  var anc=document.createElement('a'); anc.innerHTML="aFunc(1)"; anc.setAttribute('onmouseover', 'aFunc(1)'); document.body.appendChild(anc); function aFunc(a) { alert('mouseover ' + a); } 
 <body> </body> 

You need to implement a listener on that object: 您需要在该对象上实现一个侦听器:

anc.addEventListener("mouseover", function( event ) {   
  // for example, I am changing the element color to yellow
  event.target.style.color = "yellow";
}, false);

More details can be found on MDN 可以在MDN上找到更多详细信息

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