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如何在 http 拦截器 Angular 中处理/检测取消的请求?

[英]How to handle/detect canceled requests in http interceptor Angular?

How do I handle cancelled requests in http interceptor?如何在 http 拦截器中处理取消的请求? I have tried various methods from SO, but none of them seem to catch it.我尝试了 SO 的各种方法,但似乎没有一个能抓住它。

This is how my interceptor is,我的拦截器是这样的

 public intercept(req: HttpRequest<any>, next: HttpHandler) { const xyz = this._cookieService.get('xyz'); const abc = this._cookieService.get('abc'); let authReq; if (jwt === "undefined" || jwt === undefined) { authReq = req.clone({ headers: req.headers.set('Authorization', xyz) }); } else { authReq = req.clone({setHeaders: { Authorization: 'bearer ' + abc } }); } return next .handle(authReq) .pipe( catchError((err: HttpErrorResponse) => this.catchErrorHandler(err)) ); }

I have tried the do , finalize methods as well.我也尝试过do , finalize方法。 Its that, my auth expires, and all the requests after that just collapse one by one, and the page breaks.就是这样,我的身份验证过期了,之后的所有请求都一一折叠,分页符。 I would like to handle it with code, so that the page doesn't break.我想用代码处理它,这样页面就不会中断。 Methods I have tried: https://stackoverflow.com/a/50620910/6630504 https://stackoverflow.com/a/55756885/6630504我尝试过的方法: https : //stackoverflow.com/a/50620910/6630504 https://stackoverflow.com/a/55756885/6630504


There is an RxJS operator called finalize .有一个名为finalize的 RxJS 操作符。

Returns an Observable that mirrors the source Observable, but will call a specified function when the source terminates on complete or error.返回一个镜像源 Observable 的 Observable,但是当源在完成或错误时终止时将调用指定的函数。 The specified function will also be called when the subscriber explicitly unsubscribes.当订阅者明确取消订阅时,也会调用指定的函数。

    return next
            catchError((err: HttpErrorResponse) => this.catchErrorHandler(err)),
            finalize(() => console.log('finalize'))

Try this interceptor:试试这个拦截器:

export class RequestInterception implements HttpInterceptor {
  public constructor() { }

    request: HttpRequest<any>,
    next: HttpHandler
  ): Observable<HttpEvent<any>> {
    const token = '';
    const currentLanguage = 'en';
    let headers;

    if (token) {
      headers = new HttpHeaders({
        "X-MDM-Token": token,
        "Accept-Language": currentLanguage

    request = request.clone({
      headers: headers,
      url: request.url || environment.serverUrl

    return next.handle(request).pipe(
      map((event: any) => {

        if (event.status < 200 || event.status >= 300) {
          return Observable.throw(event);

        return event;

      catchError((response: HttpErrorResponse, request) => {
        switch (response.status) {
          case 401:
        return throwError("Ошибка сервера RequestInterception!");

If client canceled http request you will get 499 http code, it will be caught by:如果客户端取消了 http 请求,您将获得 499 http 代码,它将被捕获:

if (event.status < 200 || event.status >= 300) {
      return Observable.throw(event);

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