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有没有像pthread_create这样的std :: thread_create?

[英]Is there an std::thread_create like pthread_create?

I'm working a project here trying to port some Linux C++ code to be cross platform, and I have here a wrapper thread class that's using pthread . 我在这里工作的一个项目试图将一些Linux C ++代码移植到跨平台,并且这里有一个使用pthread的包装线程类。

#include <pthread.h>

class ServerThread {
   pthread_t tid;
   pthread_mutex_t mutex;
   int Create (void* callback, void* args);

I'm trying to port this directly to std::thread but the Create method here uses pthread_create which I understand starts the thread, but I'm unable to find the std equivalent. 我试图将其直接移植到std::thread但是此处的Create方法使用了pthread_create ,据我了解该线程启动了线程,但是我找不到等效的std

int ServerThread :: Create (void* callback, void* args) {
   int tret = 0;
   tret = pthread_create(&this->tid, nullptr, (void*(*)(void *)) callback, args);
   if (tret != 0) {
      std::cerr << "Error creating thread." << std::endl;
      return tret;

   return 0;

I genuinely don't understand what I'm looking at with that pthread_create function call. 我真的不明白我在用那个pthread_create函数调用看什么。 Is that some kind of strange void pointer double cast? 这是某种奇怪的void指针两次转换吗?

I have no documentation with the code base I'm working with, so my guess is as good as the next guys'. 我没有正在使用的代码库的文档,所以我的猜测和下一个家伙一样。

std::thread 's constructor will start the new thread with the function and arguments provided. std::thread的构造函数将使用提供的函数和参数启动新线程。

So roughly: 大致来说:

void thread_func(int, double) {

class ServerThread {

    std::thread thr;

    ServerThread(int arg1, double arg2)
      : thr(thread_func, arg1, arg2) {


If you want to run the thread later after the construction, you can first default-initialize std::thread , which will not start an actual thread, and then you can move a new std::thread instance with started thread into it later: 如果要在构造后稍后运行线程,则可以先默认初始化std::thread ,它不会启动实际的线程,然后可以在以后将带有已启动线程的新std::thread实例移入该线程:

class ServerThread {

    std::thread thr;

    ServerThread() : thr() {

    void StartThread(int arg1, double arg2) {
        thr = std::thread(thread_func, arg1, arg2);


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