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[英]How to scale a NumericMatrix in-place with Rcpp?

This is what I'm doing now 这就是我现在正在做的


A <- diag(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
rownames(A) <- c('X', 'Y', 'Z')
colnames(A) <- c('A', 'B', 'C')

void scaleMatrix(NumericMatrix& A, double x) {
    A = A * x;

Unfortunately It doesn't work :( 不幸的是,它不起作用:(

> A
  A B C
X 1 0 0
Y 0 2 0
Z 0 0 3
> scaleMatrix(A, 2)
> A
  A B C
X 1 0 0
Y 0 2 0
Z 0 0 3

I learned from Rcpp FAQ, Question 5.1 that Rcpp should be able to change the object I passed by value. 我从Rcpp常见问题解答5.1中获悉,Rcpp应该能够更改按值传递的对象。 Stealing an example from Dirk's answer to my previous question: Dirk回答我以前的问题中窃取一个例子:

> library(Rcpp)
> cppFunction("void inplaceMod(NumericVector x) { x = x * 2; }")
> x <- as.numeric(1:5)
> inplaceMod(x)
> x
[1]  2  4  6  8 10

I'm confused: it is possible to modify a NumericVector in-place, but not a NumericMatrix ? 我很困惑:可以就地修改NumericVector ,但不能修改NumericMatrix吗?

You can preserve the row and column names by using NumericVector instead of NumericMatrix , keeping in mind that a matrix in R is just a vector with attached dimensions. 您可以使用NumericVector而不是NumericMatrix来保留行名和列名,请记住R中的矩阵只是具有附NumericMatrix的向量。 You can do this switch either when going from R to C++ ( scaleVector below) or within C++ ( scaleMatrix below taken from a now deleted answer by @Roland ): 您可以在从R到C ++时(以下scaleVector )或在C ++内(以下scaleMatrix取自scaleMatrix现已删除的答案)进行此切换

NumericVector scaleVector(NumericVector& A, double x) {
    A = A * x;
    return A;

NumericMatrix scaleMatrix(NumericMatrix& A, double x) {
    NumericVector B = A;
    B = B * x;
    return A;

If one applies these two function to your matrix, the row and column names are preserved. 如果将这两个函数应用于矩阵,则保留行名和列名。 However, the matrix is not changed in place: 但是,矩阵未更改到位:

A <- diag(1:3)
rownames(A) <- c('X', 'Y', 'Z')
colnames(A) <- c('A', 'B', 'C')

scaleMatrix(A, 2)
#>   A B C
#> X 2 0 0
#> Y 0 4 0
#> Z 0 0 6
scaleVector(A, 2)
#>   A B C
#> X 2 0 0
#> Y 0 4 0
#> Z 0 0 6
#>   A B C
#> X 1 0 0
#> Y 0 2 0
#> Z 0 0 3

The reason for that is that diag(1:3) is actually an integer matrix, so a copy is made when you transfer it to a numeric matrix (or vector): 原因是diag(1:3)实际上是一个整数矩阵,因此当您将其传输到数值矩阵(或向量)时会生成一个副本:

#> [1] TRUE

If one uses a numeric matrix to begin with, modification is done in place: 如果使用数字矩阵作为开始,则会进行适当的修改:

A <- diag(c(1.0, 2.0, 3.0))
rownames(A) <- c('X', 'Y', 'Z')
colnames(A) <- c('A', 'B', 'C')

scaleMatrix(A, 2)
#>   A B C
#> X 2 0 0
#> Y 0 4 0
#> Z 0 0 6
scaleVector(A, 2)
#>   A B  C
#> X 4 0  0
#> Y 0 8  0
#> Z 0 0 12
#>   A B  C
#> X 4 0  0
#> Y 0 8  0
#> Z 0 0 12

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