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[英]How can I use Composer with multiple TYPO3 Extensions in one GIT Repository

So far as I know, this is not possible. 据我所知,这是不可能的。 But I read some stuff about GIT subtree and submodules, which should do the "trick". 但是我读了一些有关GIT子树和子模块的东西,这些应该可以做“把戏”。 But how do I accomplish this! 但是我该怎么做呢!

I found this blog post https://medium.com/sroze/managing-monolithic-repositories-with-composers-path-repository-c28af031746d , but cant get it work for me. 我发现了此博客帖子https://medium.com/sroze/managing-monolithic-repositories-with-composers-path-repository-c28af031746d ,但是无法让它对我有用。

Can anybody help please? 有人可以帮忙吗?

In general it is not necessary to have sub-repositories in a composer based installation of TYPO3. 通常,在基于Composer的TYPO3安装中不必具有子存储库。 Each extension is handled with it's own repository independent of others. 每个扩展都使用其自己的独立于其他资源的存储库进行处理。

Without composer you could use the mechanism of sub repositories to build an installation from the base repository which includes all extensions with their original repository. 没有composer,您可以使用子存储库机制从基本存储库构建安装,该基础存储库包括所有扩展及其原始存储库。

I'm not sure whether composer handles sub repositories in a correct way as sub repositories need further git commands to fetch/ update the sub repositories. 我不确定作曲家是否以正确的方式处理子存储库,因为子存储库需要进一步的git命令来获取/更新子存储库。
Or you could get conflicts when the main repository requests another version of an extension than composer. 否则,当主存储库请求的扩展名不是Composer的另一个版本时,您可能会遇到冲突。
And if you want to use composer only to manage your main repository and handle the sub repositories by yourself you miss the advantage of composer. 而且,如果您仅想使用composer来管理主存储库并自己处理子存储库,那么您会错过composer的优势。

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