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[英]How do I create a third column based on Character Values of other columns, excluding NA and values?

How can I create a new column called 'title' based on values of other columns attributes? 如何基于其他列属性的值创建一个名为“ title”的新列?

I have shown the example below, where 'title' needs to be created based on the columns Post, Tel, Surname, and Emp. 我已经显示了以下示例,其中需要根据“邮政”,“电话”,“姓氏”和“ Emp”列创建“ title”。 'title' just indicates which values are not NA. “标题”仅表示哪些值不适用。 I have this 我有这个

   ID1    ID2   Post     Tel          Surname   Emp        
   <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>          <chr>   <chr>        
 1 S04   S03   NA      369 990247      NA      NA      
 2 S14   S08   NA      069 990351      NA      NA      
 3 S18   S03   N165HT  NA             Jones    NA      
 4 S19   S13   NA      3069 90685      NA      NA      
 5 S20   S16   NA      3069 90954      NA      NA      
 6 S20   S17   CO19RF  NA              NA      Ocean   

And I want to create this: 我想创建这个:

   ID1    ID2   Post     Tel          Surname   Emp     title    
   <chr> <chr> <chr>   <chr>          <chr>   <chr>     <chr>    
 1 S04   S03   NA      369 990247      NA      NA       Tel
 2 S14   S08   NA      069 990351      NA      NA       Tel
 3 S18   S03   N165HT  NA             Jones    NA       Post,Surname
 4 S19   S13   NA      3069 90685      NA      NA       Tel
 5 S20   S16   NA      3069 90954      NA      NA       Tel
 6 S20   S17   CO19RF  NA              NA      Ocean    Post,Emp

An option here would be to gather into 'long' format (while removing the NA elements with na.rm = TRUE ) after creating a unique row identiier ('rn'), grouped by 'rn', paste the 'key' elements in summarise and bind with the original dataset 在这里创建一个唯一的行标识符(“ rn”)(按“ rn”分组)后,将“ key”元素paste到“长”格式(同时使用na.rm = TRUE删除NA元素)后,可以将其gather为“长”格式summarise并与原始数据集绑定

df1 %>%
   rownames_to_column('rn') %>%
   gather(key, val, Post:Emp, na.rm = TRUE) %>%
   group_by(rn) %>%
   summarise(title = toString(key)) %>%
   ungroup %>%
   select(-rn) %>%
   bind_cols(df1, .)
#   ID1 ID2   Post        Tel Surname   Emp         title
#1 S04 S03   <NA> 369 990247    <NA>  <NA>           Tel
#2 S14 S08   <NA> 069 990351    <NA>  <NA>           Tel
#3 S18 S03 N165HT       <NA>   Jones  <NA> Post, Surname
#4 S19 S13   <NA> 3069 90685    <NA>  <NA>           Tel
#5 S20 S16   <NA> 3069 90954    <NA>  <NA>           Tel
#6 S20 S17 CO19RF       <NA>    <NA> Ocean     Post, Emp

data 数据

df1 <- structure(list(ID1 = c("S04", "S14", "S18", "S19", "S20", "S20"
), ID2 = c("S03", "S08", "S03", "S13", "S16", "S17"), Post = c(NA, 
NA, "N165HT", NA, NA, "CO19RF"), Tel = c("369 990247", "069 990351", 
NA, "3069 90685", "3069 90954", NA), Surname = c(NA, NA, "Jones", 
NA, NA, NA), Emp = c(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA, "Ocean")), row.names = c("1", 
"2", "3", "4", "5", "6"), class = "data.frame")

In Base R: 在Base R中:

cols <- c("Post", "Tel", "Surname", "Emp")

d$title <- apply(d[, cols], 1, function(x){
  paste(cols[which(!is.na(x))], collapse = ",")

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