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[英]Regex to match asterisks, tildes, dashes and square brackets

I've been trying to write a regex to match asterisks, tildes, dashes and square brackets. 我一直在尝试编写一个正则表达式来匹配星号,波浪号,破折号和方括号。

What I have: 我有的:

 const str = "The] quick [brown] fox **jumps** over ~~the~~ lazy dog --- in the [woods"; console.log(str.match(/[^\\]][^\\[\\]]*\\]?|\\]/g)); // [ // "The]", // " quick ", // "[brown]", // " fox **jumps** over ~~the~~ lazy dog --- in the ", // "[woods" // ]; 

What I want: 我想要的是:

    " quick ",
    " fox ",
    " over ",
    " lazy dog ",
    " in the ",

Edit: 编辑:

Some more examples/combinations of the string are: 字符串的更多示例/组合是:

"The] quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy [dog"
// [ "The]", " quick brown fox jumps ", "[over]", " the lazy ", "[dog" ]

"The~~ quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy **dog"
// [ "The~~", " quick brown fox jumps ", "[over]", " the lazy ", "**dog" ]

Edit 2: 编辑2:

I know this is crazy but: 我知道这很疯狂,但是:

"The special~~ quick brown fox jumps [over the] lazy **dog on** a **Sunday night."
// [ "The special~~", " quick brown fox jumps ", "[over the]", " lazy ", "**dog on**", " a ", "**Sunday night" ]

You may use this regex with more alternations to include your desired matches: 您可以在其他正则表达式中使用此正则表达式,以包含所需的匹配项:

 const re = /\\[[^\\[\\]\\n]*\\]|\\b\\w+\\]|\\[\\w+|\\*\\*.+?(?:\\*\\*|$)|-+|(?:^|~~).+?~~|[\\w ]+/mg; const arr = [ 'The special~~ quick brown fox jumps [over the] lazy **dog on** a **Sunday night.', 'The] quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy [dog', 'The] quick [brown] fox **jumps** over ~~the~~ lazy dog --- in the [woods' ]; var n; arr.forEach( str => { m = str.match(re); console.log(m); }); 

RegEx Demo 正则演示

You can use this regex to split the string. 您可以使用此正则表达式拆分字符串。 It splits the string on text between one of the delimiters ( ** , ~~ or [] ) and either a matching delimiter or the start/end of the string; 它在分隔符之一( **~~[] )与匹配的分隔符或字符串的开头/结尾之间分割文本上的字符串。 or on a sequence of hyphens ( - ). 或连字号( - )。 It uses a capture group to ensure the string matched by the regex appears in the output array: 它使用捕获组来确保与正则表达式匹配的字符串出现在输出数组中:

((?:\*\*|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\*\*|$)|(?:~~|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:~~|$)|(?:\[|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\]|$)|-+

 const re = /((?:\\*\\*|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\\*\\*|$)|(?:~~|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:~~|$)|(?:\\[|^)[A-Za-z. ]+(?:\\]|$)|-+)/; const str = [ 'The] quick [brown] fox **jumps** over ~~the~~ lazy dog --- in the [woods', 'The] quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy [dog', 'The~~ quick brown fox jumps [over] the lazy **dog', 'The special~~ quick brown fox jumps [over the] lazy **dog on** a **Sunday night.']; str.forEach(v => console.log(v.split(re).filter(Boolean))); 
 .as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; } 

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