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Flutter CustomPainter 平移和缩放

[英]Flutter CustomPainter Pan and Zoom

I have created a family tree widget via CustomPainter.我通过 CustomPainter 创建了一个家谱小部件。 How do I implement pan and zoom because parts of it overflowed.我如何实现平移和缩放,因为它的一部分溢出了。

I have tried GestureDetector and Translating the points via onPanUpdate but it is resetting to the current offset.我已经尝试过 GestureDetector 并通过 onPanUpdate 翻译点,但它正在重置为当前偏移量。

onPanUpdate: (d) {
          RenderBox box = context.findRenderObject();
          Offset point = box.globalToLocal(d.globalPosition);
          point = point.translate(0.0, AppBar().preferredSize.height);

           setState(() {
             _offset = point;

          // print(point);

// this is from CustomPainter

canvas.translate(offset.dx, offset.dy);

https://gist.github.com/klaszlo8207/0df97fb3ba7484e20b0061076f3be842 https://gist.github.com/klaszlo8207/0df97fb3ba7484e20b0061076f3be842

Here is my gist for this, this is a custom GestureDetector that can Scale and Pan这是我的要点,这是一个可以缩放和平移的自定义GestureDetector

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